Prioritizing the Hodgepodge

Joyce asks the questions, and we provide the answers. See how others answered at From This Side of the Pond.

1. What do you think has remained the same about you your whole life? How has your perception of yourself changed over time? 

I think I've remained caring and empathetic. I am much more confident in myself and I am a stronger person than I was early in my marriage.

2. What was the first thing you learned how to cook? Do you prefer to cook or bake? 

I'm not sure, but it was probably spaghetti out of a jar! I much prefer to bake.

3. What are some of your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate. 

Taking care of myself, for sure. It's easy to get into the habit of not eating or exercising. Having a dog that has to be walked daily helps with the exercise. Also, taking care of myself spiritually is huge. Surrounding myself with people who share my faith is important.

4. How much time do you spend on your hair each day or, put another way, what's your hair care routine? Do you get it cut regularly or just whenever the mood strikes? Do you go to the same stylist every time? Do you tell your stylist everything? Any other beauty treatments you indulge in throughout the year? 

I'm a "wash, gel, and go" kind of gal. I don't spend a lot of time on my hair; it's going to do whatever it wants to, so why fight it? I get it cut every 3 weeks; if I wait 4 weeks I can really tell it. It's hard for me to find a stylist who cuts my hair the right way, so I tend to stick with her. I tried going to someone else for a while but that person kept trying to style it (even though I told her it wouldn't work) and tried to make my hair do something it just didn't want to do. I crawled back to my hairstylist and begged forgiveness! 

5. What is the most awe-inspiring place you've visited? 

Oh, man. I haven't visited that many places, but I've seen some amazing things. Last year, CH & I spent a month out west. The Little Grand Canyon was amazing, as was The Badlands. But, so was Turquoise Lake in Colorado. I've seen amazing places in Ireland, as well as Germany. I can't just pick one!

The Badlands
Little Grand Canyon
Turquoise Lake, Colorado

Benbulben, Ireland (Photo Credit: Tomas)
View from our campsite at Mile High Campground on the Blue Ridge Parkway
6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I finished the book "I Hope There's a Kettle in My Room" by Paula Rooney. At the time of the writing of the book, she was 55 and solo-traveled through Europe. The book read as if reading her diary, and at times was a little choppy and painful to get through, but it was interesting and gave me hope that I could do something similar, although, since she is British, she is more familiar with train travel and timetables. Maybe not backpack on the Interrail, but I got a couple of ideas of where I would like to go. I saved this quote:
"This has been a very selfish trip. It’s been exactly what I wanted it to be, and I have done exactly what I wanted to do, and it’s been a revelation. No one has suffered because I was selfish. It doesn’t have to be a choice between my happiness or someone else’s. We can all be happy. I need to be a bit more selfish from now on. Not so that it hurts others, but do a bit more of what makes me happy. It is my life, after all. I dedicated myself to my children as they were growing and took the job as mum very responsibly. Despite its many challenges, I thoroughly enjoyed it and enjoyed seeing my three grow into wonderful adults and see Jamie thrive as well. It’s been very rewarding, but now it’s time to learn to be more selfish. To put me first if I want to. I am not sure that I can break the habit, or change the way that I live my life, but I am going to try."

Definitely words to live by!

Splurging on the Hodgepodge

Joyce asks the questions, and we provide the answers. See how others answered at From This Side of the Pond. 

1. It's National Splurge Day...what's something you might splurge on today? What have you splurged on recently? 

Define "recently". Amazon deliveries have been a regular occurrence at my house, but I'm slowing down now. I've been splurging too much on tv lately, my most recent series I'm watching is "What We Do In the Shadows". Quirky, funny, at times a bit disgusting but I'm hooked. 

2. Do you have a beach bag? What's in it? Is a trip to the beach on your summer bucket list? Do you have a summer bucket list? 

I don't have a beach bag and I prefer to go to the beach in the winter when it's not crowded or hot. The only thing on my summer bucket list is to paint my bedroom and hang some curtains. 

3. What's a song that makes you think of a summer past? What comes to mind when you hear it? What memories does it stir up for you? 

"Brandy" is one that comes to mind right away. "Summer Breeze" is another one. They remind me of summers past when my days were filled with the swimming pool. Seeing beach towels and blankets spread out in the grass, hearing the spring of the diving boards, and the smell of suntan lotion. Those were the days!

4. Sushi-yay or nay? Have you actually tried it? If you love it what's your go-to order? 

I'm definitely NOT a fan of sushi. My boys like it, but I give it a definite pass. I tried it but didn't like it. 

5. I own a ridiculous amount of ____________________________________. 

Books. I'm trying to do better but I have at least half of a bookcase filled with books I need to read.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Oh my. I'm so far behind with my Ireland posts! I managed to get another post out on Flyin' the Coop but I'm only halfway through the first tour I was on. The information here will be slightly different so make sure you check out both of them.

Friday Fotos 2024 #8

Friday Fotos is a post where I can dump some photos from the previous week. The goal is to make me more aware of the beauty and fun in my everyday life. 

This little Magnolia Tree was a Memorial Gift from some of my cousins. It survived the winter and now has its first bloom!
This is a sample that MS & I have been eating for lunch a few times each week. 
After living in this house for 20 years, this is the first time I remember seeing a mama robin making a nest in this spot.
Look at that sweet face! This is one of my grand-dogs; she has the most loving eyes.
Until next time...

A Simple Hodgepodge

Joyce asks the questions, and we provide the answers. See how others answered at From This Side of the Pond.

1. June 12 is National Simplicity Day. In what way is your life simple? What's one way that it's not? 

I've cut out so much of the "noise" that I used to have, mainly social media. I'll get on from time to time but nothing like I used to. I'm content to sit on my back porch and read or play some word games on my tablet. 

Having to take care of all of the household things by myself (although the boys are being a big help when I ask them) is definitely not making my life simple. But I'm learning and getting through it.

2. Something you remember from a 'simpler time'? 

Oh, so many things! Playing outside, spending time at the swimming pool, riding my bike come to mind immediately. Also, listening to the radio for hours just to hear that 1 song.

3. Do you like squash? If so what's your favorite variety? What's a favorite way to prepare squash? 

Squash is one of those few vegetables that I'll eat cooked; either yellow or zucchini. I'll also eat them raw. I don't have a preference as to how they're prepared and I don't make it that often. It's usually incorporated into a recipe.

4. Do you shop the warehouse stores (such as Costco, Sam's B.J's, etc)? If so how often do you go, and what's something you always buy in this type of store? 

I don't. When the boys were little we would go to Sams and get things in bulk, but now that it's just me (for the most part), I don't think there's any need to go. Plus, there isn't one of any of those stores in my county although we are getting a BJ's. 

5. Father's Day is this coming Sunday. Any plans to make the day special? Tell us something about your own father, or something about your hubs as a father, or about someone who stepped into your life and acted as a father if yours was not a part of your life. 

No plans at all since my father passed away several years ago and CH passed away in November. 

My dad wasn't big on words but when he talked, we listened. I wasn't close to him growing up but after my mother passed away I quickly became a Daddy's girl. I value all of the advice he ever gave me and I miss his very awkward hugs.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I've been able to get quite a bit of stuff done around the house over the past few days. Mainly, cleaning. Now I can relax a little bit and get back into a routine for a least until the end of July.

Packing My Bags for the Hodgepodge

Joyce asks the questions, and we provide the answers. See how others answered at From This Side of the Pond.

1. It's National Cheese Day (June 4)...does anyone not like cheese? What's your favorite? Last thing you ate or made with cheese? 

Dubliner Cheese. MS & I had a couple of lunches with baguettes, cheese, pesto, and tomato. I'm not sure if this counts as cheese, but I had a grilled "cheese" made with gouda tofu. It wasn't bad!

2. Last time you were instructed to 'say cheese!'? How do you feel about having your picture taken? 

I shy away from a camera...I'm not photogenic at all. I don't remember the last time someone told me to say "cheese". It very well could have been the weekend of my MIL's Celebration of Life.

3. What's your travel packing strategy? Are you typically a light packer or do you throw in everything but the ktichen sink? When flying do you check a bag or aim for carry on only? 

I'm typically a light packer. On a recent trip, I used packing cubes that compress. I was able to fit everything in a carry-on although I did decide to go ahead and check it. 

4. What is it about people's cell phone habits that you find most annoying? 

I'll try really hard not to write a book on this! I think the number one thing is people insisting on putting their phone on speaker. It absolutely drives me bonkers! 

5. What will be your summer mantra/slogan? 

I don't have one. Between a couple of trips planned, I plan on doing things around the house and hopefully relaxing.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I spent last week with my brother in Boston. It was my first trip there and it was marvelous! We hit the ground running as soon as I got there Sunday morning and didn't slow down until Saturday. They showed me so many things in and around Boston, so watch for a couple of posts (at least) summarizing!

Boston from the top of the Prudential Building

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