- Used 1 thin crust instead of flatbread
- Used 2 packages of taco seasoning (This resulted in more of a taco taste than just 1 packet)
- Added a layer of salsa over the refried beans
- Used 1 pound of ground beef
- Used Chipotle Ranch dressing instead of the salsa/sour cream mixture
From My Kitchen: February 2021
A Clean Hodgepodge
1. Your favorite cleaning product? Do you clean your own house or hire out? Most disliked household chore? What one chore do you not mind so much?
The Great Adventure 2019: Peggy's Cove
I think most people go to Peggy's Cove for the lighthouse; we just enjoyed walking around and enjoyed the scenery.
Once we walked into the actual village, there was a boat tour. We thought, "why not?" and jumped on in. It was beautiful seeing the area from the water. The rocks that were formed that appear to be haphazardly were incredible.
When it was built, the wood came from King's Chapel in Boston, which was disassembled from the inside. The wood was carried through the window and shipped to Lunenburg.
The stars above the altar are said to be a mystery. Some believe the stars depict the sky the night that Jesus was born, as it looked in Lunenburg on that night.
Lovin' the Hodgepodge
Where does the time go? I completely forgot to answer the questions on Tuesday, so here I am, early Wednesday morning, typing away! Luckily the questions weren't too difficult so I didn't have to think too much to answer them.
1. Something little you are loving right now?
The Bible in a Year Podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz. You don't have to be Catholic to enjoy this! He reads a chapter or 2 from 2 different books of the Bible, as well as a chapter or verse from Proverbs or Psalms, says a prayer, and gives a reflection on what he read. And all of that in around 20 minutes or less! The podcast started out as #1 on the Apple Podcast list (regardless of genre) and stayed there for 17 weeks.
2. Red roses or pink peonies? Red wine or pink lemonade? Red lipstick or pink polish? A cotton candy colored sky or a fiery red sunset? A book-movie-song you love with the word red or pink in it's title?
Pink peonies; red wine; pink polish; both (how can you make a choice when God is showing his artwork?). I can't think of a book-movie-song, but I do really like Pink, the singer. She has spunk!
3. What's something you currently have your heart set on doing-going-seeing-or experiencing?
More of Europe. I want to experience the German Christmas Markets, Oktoberfest, and see Rome as well as other parts of Italy.
4. Who would you most like to have a heart to heart with right now? Is that possible?
My mom or my dad. It's not possible, so I have to pull up my big girl panties and be an adult!
5. Write an acrostic for the word L-O-V-E.
I just finished my quiet time with Jesus, so all I can think of is the acronym I use for my journaling. This is from Sonja Corbitt, and it helps me focus on scripture and apply it to my life:
Listen, Observe, Verbalize, Entrust
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Shadowy Hodgepodge
The Great Adventure of 2019: Dartmouth
After a mostly full day in Halifax, we decided to just take a day to chill and see what there is in Dartmouth. This town reminded me a lot of Asheville, NC: an up-and-coming town in its own right that is artsy.
We started our day at a crepe place just up the street from the above picture. I didn't take a picture of the place or of what we had though. The owner was super nice (he's Canadian, so of course he's nice!) and the conversation was wonderful.
We had a very relaxing day and geared up for slowly making our way to our next destination in this Province.
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