Hot Fun in the Summertime Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's officially summer (in the northern hemisphere anyway). Which summer month is best and why?
June. Most definitely June. Because July means going back to work.

2. Can you swim? How did you learn? June 27th is National Sunglasses Day. How many pair do you own?
My mom made sure that we all knew how to swim. We took swim lessons given by the Red Cross at our local pool.

3. What characteristic do you judge most harshly in yourself? How about in others?
Being inconsiderate. I consider myself as being a very considerate person, and I tend to beat myself up when I'm not...when I look back after an instance and realize that I wasn't considerate. It absolutely drives me CRAZY when other people aren't considerate. Case in point: I went to Aldi yesterday to get 1 thing...1.Thing. The lady in front of me had a whole basketful of groceries. The considerate thing would have been for her to have let me go in front of her, but she didn't. Luckily, the cashier was pretty quick so I didn't have to wait very long.

4. Robert Frost wrote the now well known poem entitled The Road Not Taken. What's a road (literal or figurative) you've always wanted to travel, and where do you hope it takes you? 
CH & I have talked about flying to Scotland or Ireland, jumping on a train, and just going all over Europe. We need to do that before we get to old and can't.

5. Popsicles-yay or nay? If you answered yay, what's your favorite flavor? 
Oh, yeah.  Banana popsicles are DA BOMB!

6. Brexit-on a scale of 1-10 how knowledgeable are you on what's involved here? (1=very knowledgeable and 10=what's Brexit) Is this news you'll follow or is it something you think won't impact your life in any way shape or form?
Probably a "5". CH had a discussion with our British friends the other night. It was interesting to hear their perspective on it. I did hear that it might actually be good for our economy and make the U.S. Dollar stronger. From what I'm hearing, I think they jumped the gun...they voted for it, but apparently don't know how or when, or what they're going to do after. 

7. Share a favorite song on your summer play list.
I discovered Lauren Daigle a few months ago. At first, I thought it was Adele. She is just amazing, and I absolutely love this song.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I have a group of online SLP friends that I chat with through FB almost daily. We don't just chat about Speech Stuff; our most recent conversation was about our backyards. Everyone shared pictures of their beautiful flower gardens, and they are really gorgeous. If you've been reading my blog very long (or if you know me IRL), you know that I didn't inherit my daddy's green thumb...I got my mom's black thumb. So, while everyone shared flower pictures, I shared this, 1 of the only things in the backyard that has grown from this:
to this:
I've got to remember to cut it back in the fall. CH wants to transplant and move it away from the's kind of taken over!

The song from where I got the title of my post:

The Passing of a Legend

We all know that no one lives forever, but there are some people who have passed away that have left us in shock. 
Elvis: Do you remember where you were when you heard he died? I was at band camp, walking across the field when we were told the news. We were just shocked beyond belief. He was bigger than seemed he would be with us forever.
Lady Diana: I remember when news broke about the car accident, I just knew she would be taken to the hospital and eventually be okay. She had so much more to give to the world; it was such a tragedy.
And now, Pat Summitt. If you know anything about women's basketball, you know about Pat. She was diagnosed with early onset dementia/Alzheimers 5 years ago, but somehow we thought she'd be around for a long time.
She IS women's basketball. She began coaching at the University of Tennessee (THE UT, for you Texas people!) right after she graduated from UT-Martin at the age of 22. She did it all: coach, drive the bus, wash the uniforms. She fought for women's basketball to be noticed, and she did it well. 
Every single one of her 4 year players graduated. Every.Single.One. She was known for sitting in class (or having one of her coaches do it) with her students when they were having trouble. She required her players to sit in the front row. If any of her players...even the "star" players"...didn't follow her rules, they sat on the bench or didn't travel to away games. She didn't play around. She cared about those young women as people, not just players. 
And that stare. Oh...My. I remember telling my mom that I would have done anything she wanted me to just to not have that stare directed at me. I always felt so sorry for those players who were on the receiving end. 
I didn't know her personally; I never had the opportunity to meet her, but, like everyone else in the Knoxville area, I felt like I did. 
I didn't play basketball past my junior high years, but I don't know of very many young girls who dreamed of playing for Pat & the Lady Vols. Not just around East Tennessee, but all over the U.S.; even Gino Auriemma's (coach for UConn) daughter wanted to play for her!
Not everyone may have cared for her, but I don't think you'll find one person who didn't respect her: Strong-willed, determined, ethical, and still being full of heart and concern for those in her life. She will be deeply missed. Women's basketball won't be the same without her. The University of Tennessee won't be the same without her.
Please keep her son, Tyler, in  your prayers.

This is the only thing I have with Pat's autograph. I almost threw it out a few months ago...I'm glad I didn't!

Foto Friday {4}

Here’s a look at my week through pictures (with a few words tossed in there!):
Most mornings, this is where you'll find me. On my back porch with my notebook that has daily readings from the Mass & a cup of coffee. This is my favorite time of the day: It's not too hot, the birds are singing, and it's pretty quiet.
I caught this beauty on the butterfly bush.
I had my camera in my car on Monday since I took it for a good cleaning. I was talking to a friend after Mass, and this caught my eye:
 The sky was perfect for a picture. This is unfiltered/untouched:
 I got a delivery from Thriftbooks!!! (If you sign up through the link I provided, we'll both be registered for a chance to win $100 gift card!)
 I was sitting at the kitchen table & kept hearing a very staccato, very loud chirp. I finally got up and looked out of the door, grabbed my camera, and snapped this picture (I was really surprised she stayed there that long...Cardinals can be pretty elusive!):
I found a podcast that was a bit intriguing. When I visited her blog, I saw that she sells koozies!
I was sitting very close to this bird feeder when a very brave little woodpecker came to get her sugar fix. She kept a close eye on me, though!
Hummingbird pictures are few & far between this summer, thanks to the woodpeckers taking over this feeder. I have a couple of other feeders, but this is the only one that has a place for them to perch; the hummingbirds seem to like this one the best.

Last night we had dinner with some friends from England; they spent a couple of nights camping in Cades Cove before heading west. CH met them when he rode the Continental Divide; our friends were beginning their ride around the world on a motorcycle. When we visited London, we took a day and rode the train down to Surrey & spent the day with them. Now, they're beginning a journey through Central & South America...this time in a van that they'll be camping out of. We can't believe we didn't get a picture, but here's a picture from 2011...we're a bit older, but still look pretty much the same!

That's it for my week! I've been busy trying to finish up my goals for new products in my Teachers Pay Teachers store so I can get busy with other things that need to be done. How was your week?

Foto Friday {3}

Another Friday already? At this rate, I'll be back in school way too soon!

I came home to this on Monday. The local utilities board is replacing all of the wire, and when the guy pulled the wire to our house, the trim came with it. He nailed it back up and moved the phone wire from a hook on that section (which is why that happened) to somewhere more secure.
A robin is making her nest in a tree next to the house. I thought it was too late in the year for that, but I guess she knows what she's doing. I felt so bad for her; she found a little piece of paper and worked so hard to get it up in the tree, but then it blew back out.
When we picked out Laika, the markings on her lower back looked like a thong. As she's gotten older, the black space has increased.
                                     I caught this butterfly on the butterfly bush.
Our yard has been the Love Shack for small animals lately. The robins & doves from last week, and now the rabbits.

I tried the carne asada nachos again with the cheese YS suggested. Next time I'll have 2 packages on hand and melt the cheese first, then pour it over the nachos. They were still good, but I had to add Mexican Cheese Blend to it because 1 package wasn't enough.

I made cookies the other day...1 recipe made about 4 dozen! These taste a lot like the cookies you get at the grocery store, but they don't taste like they're coated in flour! They were excellent. 
That takes care of my week. How was yours?

A Routine Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. If you could sit beside and/or jump in any lake in the whole wide world today, which lake would you choose and why? 
It would have to be a very clean lake, like a pool. J

2. What's your favorite 'fruity' drink? 
I do enjoy a good daiquiri! Or Pina Colada!

3. I read a list here of thirteen things to do right now to simply your life. They were-
clean as you go, re-evaluate your relationships (cut toxic ties), unsubscribe (too many blogs and websites), de-clutter, write down your daily goals, reply to emails right away, forget multitasking, create a morning routine, re-evaluate your commitments (which hobbies and responsibilities are most important to you), say no, clean up your computer, and plan your day ahead

Which of the tasks listed do you currently find most helpful in keeping life simple? Which item on the list should you adopt in order to simplify your life this month?
I’m all about routine. It keeps me focused and keeps me from wasting time. That hasn’t been working so well for me so far this summer break; it would help if I would actually get a schedule!

4. What did you do the summer after you graduated from high school? 

A couple of weeks after graduating, I began my college adventure. The university was switching from the quarter system to semester, so they had a special program for freshman. It was the perfect segue into college life.

5. Are you a fan of podcasts? If so what's a favorite? 
I’ve never listened to a podcast. Weird, huh?

6. Do you think today's fathers have it harder, easier, or just different than fathers in the past?
I think it’s just different. It’s common to have moms working full time, so dads aren’t the only breadwinner of the family, so I would think that would make it a little easier. BUT, with all of the stress on extra-curricular activities, there’s a huge demand on their time.

7. Tell us one way you're like your father? Or not at all like your father if that's easier?
This is going to sound weird (so get ready!), but my thick wrists and “man hands” are like his. Daddy & I both like routine and we’re both stubborn. Yeah, I think that pretty much sums it up!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Since it’s summer break, I get asked just about every day what I did that day. One of my sisters came by the other day, and she asked what I do all day. So, here’s a breakdown of what my day may be like:
Morning prayers followed by reading the Daily Readings for Mass.
I check my emails (which includes reflections on the readings), and do a quick look over of FB (If I have time)
On MWF, I meet Daddy at church for the Rosary and Daily Mass. On Tues/Thurs I sleep in a bit and go to Mass at noon. 
After Mass, I’ll either go to Panera with the old people (love this time to sit & chat with them!), or run errands, or just go home.
 I may write a blogpost or start reading some blogs, depending on how distracted I get!
I’ve been working on things to put in my online teacher store. I have a couple more things I want to finish, and then I’ll take a break from that. I’ve also done a day’s worth of professional development (we have to have 12 hours so we can have a couple of extra days off during the year).
I’ve done some house cleaning, and some sitting on the back porch and watching/listening to the birds.
To summarize: Mass, coffee, work, blogging, cleaning, and enjoying the birds.

Foto Friday {2}

Another Friday, another week in pictures!
Last weekend, CH decided we needed a wall in the basement to separate the laundry/storage area from the garage area. (Well, actually, he decided that a long time ago but decided it was time to get it done.)
I caught a butterfly on the butterfly bush & grabbed my camera:
 Pepper wasn't too impressed, though.
This is the cheese for the Carne Asada Nachos YS mentioned:
The woodpeckers had a friend join them:
The robins were dancing around: 
YS had an excellent idea for Monday's dessert:
Grilled pineapple with a bit of cinnamon sugar sprinkled on it with vanilla ice cream.
Sirius Radio had a deal I couldn't pass up, so I had it turned back on...but only until November:
The woodpeckers moved to the front porch. (See the holes in the wood? Stinkin' carpenter bees.)
This carpenter bee almost went in the trap...but then decided against it.
CH & I took advantage of a cool evening and tried out a new recipe on the porch.
YS used the leftover shrimp for lunch the next day:
I was on the porch reading, and looked up to see what looked like angel's wings in the clouds. (You may have to click on the picture see it.)
More lovebirds in the yard:

There was a rabbit in the yard so of course I took pictures!
Then I saw this: (the quality isn't that great; I didn't have time to change the setting.)
Another new recipe, another good one! Ranch Grilled Chicken Chopped Salad. Perfect for a summer dinner.

How was your week? 

Foto Friday: 1

There was a linky that I participated in a few times where you looked back over your instagram pictures and put them in a post. I decided to do something similar, only with any pictures that I took through the week; not just the ones that got posted on IG.  So, here we go with my favorite pictures from this week:
This was my favorite picture from the overnight camping trip:
 Pepper peaking over the porch step: 
 This was delivered in my email the other day:
 It seems like I get weekly reminders with that quote!
Sweet & Spicy Bourbon Broiled Salmon. I'm trying a new recipe a week from my new book by Father Leo. Even though CH isn't a big fish-eater, he said this was "okay" (followed by, "I'm just not a big fish-eater.) I thought it was excellent.

Early morning Mass with Daddy:
The butterfly bush is doing amazing:
 My Chinese balloon plant, not so great:
 I caught these 2 sneaking a snack from the hummingbird feeder. 
It was so sweet; the one on the feeder would get on the pole and feed the other bird. 
I don't know if 1 is a male and 1 is female, or if 1 is an adult and the other is young. If you know, please educate me on this!
 When he flew away, she decided to give a go by herself:
Next time, I'm going to use a different kind of cheese that YS told me about. It doesn't get hard after it cools down, but it's not like the nacho cheese that you buy in a jar, either. He also suggested that I not put the nachos on the bottom; we'll put them on our plate and then scoop all that goodness on top. I think next time I'm going to add black beans and have shredded lettuce on the side. It was really good!
That does it for my recap from this week. Have a wonderful weekend!

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