I really am going to try to do better about posting on this blog! I was listening to a talk show on the radio the other day, and her guest said that she thought snapchat was the new blogging. She said, "who has time to sit down and write a blogpost?" Weeelll, apparently I haven't gotten the hang of the snapchat video, because it takes me a good 30 minutes to an hour to string together 10 second segments! I haven't gotten to the point to where I record it once and can sent it to "my story".
Last week, I managed to do a snapchat story while I was baking a cake. A few days later, YS got the sour cream out of the refrigerator. I looked and asked him where he got it from. And then it hit me...I forgot to put the sour cream in the cake! It was still good, but I could tell it was missing something!
Now about the weekend:
OS called and asked if we could take care of Sultie for a few days since he had to go out of town for work. He is the best dog in the world; soooo laid back. He never whines; when you want to take him out, he'll go out. When you want to feed him, he'll eat. Mostly he just lays around and sleeps. Anyway, I left work on Friday & drove 2 hours to Asheville to pick up my grand-dog. OS & I had a nice dinner. After we parked, he took me through this lot (for lack of a better word). It was full of eclectic things. There were the old metal outdoor chairs in a circle that you could sit down and chill if you wanted, or you could just walk around and see what you could find.
Bird cages
Red bottles
Blue bottles
Sultie made himself at home right away.
I spent Saturday catching up on paperwork & doing a bit of laundry, which was fine because CH had to go into work and catch up on some stuff. Sunday was Mass, grocery shopping, and a bit of cleaning. And, we're back to the old grind. We're already in our 4th week of school...we're almost halfway to Fall Break!
Are you on Snapchat? If so, find me at tnslp29!