How impressive is this? Joyce had the whereabouts to make sure she didn't let us down this week. Hurricane and all, she managed to make sure we had some questions to answer before Sandy hit.
1. What creeps you out?
Cats. Seriously. Sure, they're all cute when they're babies, but their eyes really creep me out.
Cats. Seriously. Sure, they're all cute when they're babies, but their eyes really creep me out.
2. What's your least favorite candy?
Circus peanuts. They give me a headache.
3. Are you a fan of scary movies? What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
I abhor scary movies. I don't even have to see the movie to be scared of it...if someone just tells me about it, I'll get myself worked up. I watched "The Ring" a few years ago because I was stupid enough to volunteer to chaperone for something at the middle school. Not a good thing for me at all.
YS & I were talking about scary movies a couple of days ago, and I told him that when I was in college, my roomie & I watched "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" at the student center. I made her sleep with a light on for weeks!
4. What part of life confuses you the most?
What part doesn't?
5. Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, poppy...what's your favorite seed?
To eat? Sunflower.
6. Imagine your life ten years from today...what's changed?
Oh, wow. The kids are all out of college and living their own lives, I more than likely have grandkids, and hopefully will be looking forward to retirement in a couple of years.
7. What do you a) love the most and b) like the least about the Hodgepodge?
I love reading everybody's responses. Sometimes the questions are a little too thought provoking!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Well, yesterday didn't start out much better than Monday. No upchucking kids, but I did manage to do something I've never done before in my life: lock my keys in the car. I got to school, opened the back door, locked the door, put the keys in my pocketbook, set it down on the seat, and looked for a water bottle that had fallen. I didn't see it on the driver's side, so I shut the door to walk around and check the passenger's side. As soon as I shut it and saw the lights blink, I thought, "I did NOT do what I think I just did." But yes, I did. I called CH, and he drove the 20 minutes to unlock my door. Luckily I didn't have any students until 8:30, because everything was in my car. I could've winged it, I guess, but I hate doing that! CH is my hero!