1. Have you ever played golf? Any interest in playing? Do you have a significant other who loves to play? Did you watch The Masters this past weekend?
I didn't watch the Masters...how boring is it to watch golf??? CH used to play when we lived in SC, and I played a few times. I could tee off pretty well, and putt half-way decent...it was the in between part that I wasn't so great at. When I was pregnant with YS, CH & I went to a golf course for our anniversary. At one hole, I teed off and it was beautiful. Until it hooked (or was it slice?) and headed toward a beautiful house that was all glass on the side. Some prayers were quickly said, followed by a loud thump. I was good enough of a shot to hit their trash can, which was full of dents!
Then there was the time (again, when I was pregnant with YS) when CH & I went to a local golf course. We were in the back of the course, and of course, I had to use the facilities. Except there were no facilities to visit, and there was NO WAY I was going to make it to the front of the course. I did what any pregnant lady would do: we walked over to a bank, CH held my hands so I wouldn't fall, and I took care of business. I'm just real thankful there was no one else around!
Now, my in-laws: there are a couple of good players! Both my MIL & my FIL have had holes-in-one!
2. Hats are back in fashion this spring...how do you feel about wearing a hat? (fyi-I'm not talking baseball caps) When was the last time you wore one?
I am NOT a hat person. I'm not real crazy about hats. A lady who read at Easter Mass on Sunday had on a hat, and my first thought was that it looked kind of ridiculous. (Yes, I realize I was in Church and I judged.)
3. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 meaning proficient and 1 meaning "I'd starve", how adept are you at using chopsticks?
Definitely a 1. CH & all of the boys can eat with chopsticks like pros, but not me. I just can't get the hang of it.
4. Has technology taken over?
Let me put it to you this way: One day at school, I got the picture cards out with one of my groups. (I had been using an app on the iPad) Their response: " Yay! We get to use the cards!" Interesting, no?
5. In the course of a day how often do you look in a mirror?
I look in the mirror in the morning to put on makeup and make sure my hair is decent, then I might look in it just a couple more times during the day. I'm definitely not one of those who checks the mirror every hour.
6. Tulip or Daffodil?
I love daffodils...they are one of the first signs of spring. BUT, I have to go with tulips. They're just so dad-gum beautiful!
7. I am proud of myself for __________________.
Getting back into playing a flute. I'm having to retrain myself to look ahead in the music, but I'm getting there! I think I'm going to be ready for the community band in September!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
So many random thoughts are going through my head! I'll go with this one:
I forgot to add this picture yesterday:
Isn't it a beaut??? If you've been reading for a while, you know how much trouble I've had with the heating/cooling at one of my schools. In the winter, the air came on. The custodian (I'll call him Chester 'cause that's his name!) had to get on the roof and switch it over to heat. The heat would come on, but after it turned off the air would come back on. There were days I spent in my room with a coat, scarf, and gloves on.
When it got warm a couple of weeks ago, the air wouldn't turn on. The heat came on and stayed on. Up on the roof went Chester with the same result. He finally decided that I needed my own thermostat, and he needed to bypass the computerized thingy. They came in on Monday and installed it. How great is that? And just in time for this cold snap we're having!