A Lovely Hodgepodge

Joyce asks the questions, and we provide the answers. See how others answered at From This Side of the Pond.

1. What does love mean to you? 

Being there for the other person no matter what. Doing the hard things, the gross things, things you don't want to do or ever thought you would have to do. Laughing through the hard times and knowing that at some point one of you will be left to remember the love you shared through the good and the bad times but still sticking beside that person through sickness and health.

2. Is love blind? 

True love, the kind that carries through the years is not. Once you live with someone for decades you know that person inside and out. There is no way it could be blind!

3. How do you remember Valentine's Day as a kid? Do you have any special plans for the day this year? 

I don't remember any of them except my 3rd grade. This was the year the schools in the small town integrated. There was a slight riot at the high school so we didn't get to have our party. You can read about it here. As I re-read that post that was written 11 years ago, one thing that is different is that both sides of town are truly integrated now. 
I've never been a big Valentine's Day person; in fact, I think it's the dumbest day the card industry has come up with. 1 of my sisters asked me if that day was going to bother me, and I told her "no". We never really did anything special that day so it's not going to bother me at all. Besides, Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine's Day so I'm thinking that's more important to focus on. 

4 Are you a fan of the movie genre known as 'rom-com'? What's your favorite (or one of your favorites)?

I do like a good rom-com! If you know anything about me, you know that The Holiday is my favorite movie. Period. If you haven't seen Valentine's Day, it's a good movie to watch this time of year.

5. What's something you recently put your heart into? 

Discovering how to travel solo. I'm doing a lot of research into traveling solo, both domestically and internationally. At some point, I'm going to have to actually get out there and do it. I've found a podcast that has excellent advice, along with a couple of blogs. If you've traveled solo and have some good sites I need to investigate or some tips, please let me know.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

This past weekend was busy. I drove a couple of hours to spend some time with a friend who isn't well, then to CH's aunt's surprise party, and spent the night with 1 of his cousins. The next day I picked up a college friend for lunch, and then spent the night with my sister who lives in the area. Sunday morning we had an amazing breakfast in the oldest town in TN. On the drive up, I thought about how many historical sites there are between my house and my sister's (Davy Crockett Tavern and Andrew Johnson's home are just a couple). I'm going to make it a point to visit them and start my solo traveling in my backyard. 
Olde Towne Pancake House in Jonesborough, TN
The biscuits & gravy were sooooo good! The apple pancake was also delicious.
The entrance to the restaurant
I couldn't go by the largest Buc-ees and not stop for some quick shopping. My favorites: Overbites and Beaver Nuggets. I didn't get the kolaches this time. The boys like the beef jerky so I bought some fresh jerky for them.
The world's largest Buc-ees (for now, anyway!)


  1. I love Jonesborough and wow has it changed and grown since we were there. I used to work at The Parsons Table/Widow Browns. I made that drive between 'here and there' almost every weekend when hubs graduated and was in Knoxville and I was still in JC. I have never stopped at either spot you mention and would love to do that now. Good luck with your travel plans. I look forward to reading about your adventures!

  2. I agree with your #1; it's all that, especially all the gritty hard stuff. And I love me some Buc-ees!

  3. Hi Mary, I enjoyed my visit here this morning. Those pancakes look yummy! Have a nice Valentine's Day!

  4. Way to go on the solo travel! Do you truly want to be alone? or would you enjoy traveling with a group? We use EO travel (Educational Opportunities) and have traveled with them a lot. My husband and I wanted to go to Ireland so I checked out their trips online and we jumped on a trip with a group from a different part of the US. By the end of the 10 days, we had lots of new friends.

  5. I need to travel more and have looked at a few solo traveling sites. But I feel so uncomfortable going alone. I have been wanting to go to a Buc-ees maybe I will one day.

  6. Very insightful answers to question 1 & 2. I think starting traveling in your own back yard is a good way to get into solo traveling. I have a friend who has done a lot of solo traveling but she joined up with good tour groups. Happy day to you.

  7. I enjoyed your answers. That's quite a Valentine memory you shared. Sad. I agree with you about the Hallmark holiday.

  8. Love your answer to #1 and agree. :-) There is a new Buc-ees opening in our area soon, and we can hardly wait! Have agreat week!


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