Foto Friday {5}

Not so many pictures this week. Hope you enjoy, anyway!
I had just gone to bed Sat. night when I heard some fireworks going off. I had no idea the Small Town's "Freedom Fest" was going on that day. If someone can figure out why they have to a week before the 4th, let me know. I still haven't figured that out. I took these pictures from my back porch.

One day, Laika was barking (which she doesn't do very often) at the back door. When I looked out, I saw why she was barking:
Here's Laika looking very intently at the bunnies:
Just because I was bored while I waited for a hummingbird (who never came):
I caught this little guy foraging for a snack:

Lastly, I spent an hour of my week washing our trailer:
The back of the trailer with stickers from places we've been so far (along with a few other stickers that CH felt compelled to put on):
I can't believe it's already July...that means summer is halfway over for me. Every year it gets harder & harder to go back. Yep, summer will be over before you know it!


  1. I don't get the fireworks a whole week before either???Also, going back to school in July is so wrong : )

  2. Enjoy your July. Hope it goes by slowly for you!! There are fireworks here in Lakeland often for lots of celebrations. You just never know when the sky might light up.

  3. Great photos. Hope your summer is going beautifully.


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