The other big excitement of the day was getting my schnauzer a halter. She had been using a leash, but at times will pull on it, causing her to sound like she's choking. She's quite the diva, so I'm not sure if it was an academy award performance, or if she was really choking! My Jack Russell Mix went to a halter a long time ago! Funny little dog; when we walk, she doesn't know where she's going, but she's going to be the first one there. After I got home, it took me about 15 minutes to figure out how to put the halter on her. Finally did it after my 15 year old son figured it out. So much for that Master's degree helping me out on that! My JR was going crazy, thinking it was time for a walk, and trying to get her head in the new halter. I finally gave in and we went for a short walk in the park near our house. Here's a picture of my little girls:

So, yes, Monday was a good day!
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