I have to include the view from one of my workplaces. This was taken last Tues. when there really was snow on the ground! I love the view from this window.

Last night middle son (who is a Senior) came to me at 8:00 and wanted to go meet friends. Uh, no, I don't think so...it's 8:00 and a school night. Could I give him a reason? I thought I just gave him 2. Then, I get the obligatory "I can't wait until I'm out of the house and I can do what I want". HA! I knew I would eventually hear that! He got over it pretty quickly, as he usually does.
P.S. I just wanted to thank everybody that read my post yesterday and left comments! I've visited the blogs, and will be reading on a regular basis. Thanks for welcoming me to the blogging community!
Another PS: I just looked outside, and, yes, it is snowing. Here's the proof:

It's snowing hard here. We may get two feet. We got about 8 inches on Tuesday night. I can't tell how much was added last night but they say the real 'snow event' will be tomorrow. You'd think these weather people were NASA the way they talk.