Best Hubby

My hubby is just the best!  I got out our vacuum cleaner yesterday, vacuumed the kitchen area, and then started to vacuum the rug in the living room.  Usually when I change the level thingy on the vacuum, I can feel it in how hard I have to push the vacuum on the rug.  But, yesterday when I did it, nothing happened.  Absolutely nothing.  Everything seemed to be working okay, and then I opened up the bag container.  Talk about a mess!  The  opening of the bag had popped off of its holder.  So, I cleaned up, put it back on, and tried it again.  No difference.  CH suggested that we trash it and get a new one.
It's been a great vacuum cleaner for the past 13-14 years.  We talked about getting a Dyson before, so I got on the laptop and looked around to see if there was a difference in price between the stores that have them.  As I was doing that, I ran across a Hoover (same brand as our current one) that was more than 1/2 the price of a Dyson.  The reviews were wonderful. 
Buying a new vacuum is a very serious matter, especially since you can't try it out first and decide if it's going to work as well as the other one.  The Hoover has served us well, but I knew that Dysons had a great reputation.  I just wasn't sure if I wanted to spend that much money on a vacuum.  But, as CH said, how often do we have to buy one?
In the end, we got another Hoover Windtunnel, but this one is bagless.  And it has a retractable cord.  After I vacuumed the living room rug, I had to empty the canister.  Pepper (our Jack Russell mix) is a shedder.  The fur in that canister could've been used to make another dog.  I was amazed at how well it worked!  And the noise, or lack of! 
I've only used it once, but I'm extremely happy with our choice!  Hoover didn't let us down!


  1. Awesome!

    I love the bagless vacuums, but ours kept getting clogged up. I finally just bought a cheap $39 one at Walmart. We've had it 2 years and it still works great. Go figure!

  2. We need a new one and I am just not real thrilled about buying one. My last one was a Silver King, very expensive & very worth it for over 15 years of service!

  3. Great! Now I want one! We are still in the middle of our house rennovation (after 2 years) and I've pretty much given up on keeping my carpet clean. In fact, I've told me husband once the sheet rock and painting is done on the inside, I want new carpet! It is beyond repair at this point. Our house is only about 1000 sq. ft. so I think I can get carpet without completely breaking the bank. Anyway . . . glad for you!

  4. Yay! A good tool makes all the difference. Congrats!

  5. My vacuum cleaner brand is called a cleaning woman.

  6. We have a Dyson, and I really do like it. But I have to wonder if it really was worth the money. I guess there's no way to know for sure since there's no way to truly do a side-by-side comparison on two vacuums in a real-life situation (particularly one that involves pet hair). All I know is now that I've had a bagless vacuum, I'll always buy bagless from here on out.

  7. Nice photo!!! My hubby LOVES vacuums, we have a Kirby...although it's too heavy and complicated for my taste!
    The Hoover sounds great!! Congrats!!

  8. We have gone through quite a few vacuums over the last 20+ years. My last one was a WindTunnel, and I loved it. However, when it quit on me, I got a Dyson, which I love, love love. Isn't it funny how getting a new vacuum makes cleaning fun?! What is wrong with us. We've gotten old. LOL

  9. Glad you like it! Thanks for the review. I'm having the same Dyson vs. reasonably priced dilemma.

  10. We bought a Dyson and I would never recommend it. The attachments are very cumbersome to use. The suction is great, but it is a royal pain to use the plastic attachments.

    You were right to get the Hoover.

  11. Well, since you didn't outright dis the Dyson, we can still be friends. :) I LOVE my Dyson...and I only got it because we had amex points to use.

    I am glad you love your hoover....isn't it funny how little things (mostly appliances) make us so happy????
    I hope the two of you have a happy and long working/love relationship. :)

  12. I have a Dyson and I like it. My husband has never thought it was anything special. We still have it but a few years ago I got a Hoover at Costco and I like it a lot. I was looking for a self-propelled which is easier for me, otherwise I can't really vacuum. Since my daughter does most of the cleaning now she switches off between them.


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