
I get obsessed sometimes.  To be more accurate, I get obsessed a lot.  When the older boys were in high school, it was high school football.  Then I found semi-pro hockey.  A year and a half ago, I found blogging.  Facebook?  Forgetaboutit.  Definitely obsession material.  Now that Netflix is around, most summers it's a tv series that I can get online.
So, what have my obsessions been this summer?  Books.  I've read quite a few this summer.  I started out with a few mysteries, then switched over to a Beverly Lewis series: Abram's Daughters.  I went through the first 3 books, thinking that was all in the series, only to find out there were 2 more books.  I finished them a couple of days ago.  After I read the first 3 in the series,  I switched over to Karen Kingsbury's "Redemption" series.  The problem:  there are 5 books in that series, and the last 2 books have been checked out of the library for a long time.  So, I haven't finished that series.
My oldest sister sent Paula Deen's book "It Ain't all about the Cookin'" to me at the beginning of the summer.  I had a nice little surprise in it:  Paula's autograph!  Let me tell y'all:  It's an excellent read!  I read the whole thing in 1 day; I couldn't put it down.  I knew she had agoraphobia, but had no idea how long it had crippled her.  She seems so outgoing and personable; it's hard to imagine the pure hell she went through.
But, wait.  The book series wasn't my only obsession.  I've watched the following movies/series:  Anna & the King (long, but worth it), The Buccaneers (4 episodes), Tortilla Soup, and Doc Martin.  There's nothing worse than obsessing about a series only to find that the company that supplies movies to Netflix has pulled half of it off of the watch instantly. This did not make me happy at all.  I watched the first 2 seasons of Doc Martin, got ready to watch the 3rd only to find it had disappeared from Netflix.  Yeah, I called to find out what was going on.  The customer service guy told me what happened, and commented on what a popular series it was.  I asked him if he had seen it, and he said that he was watching Dexter.  Yep, that was my obsession last summer.  He also said that they have gotten a lot of calls about Doc Martin not being available.  Usually if a movie is only available to watch instantly for a certain amount of time, Netflix will put a date to let you know.  There was no date on Doc Martin, 'cause if there had been, I would've stayed up all night to finish it.
Have I got your curiosity up about Doc Martin?  Here's the premise:  Doc Martin is a well-known London-based surgeon who realizes, in the middle of a surgery, that he's actually operating on people, and suddenly the smell & sight of blood gives him full-blown panic attacks.  So, he takes a job as a general practitioner in Port Wenn, North Cornwall, England.  Port Wenn is, in reality, Port Isaac.  Beautiful scenery.  I want to go there and just walk around the town.  This show is quirky (think British humor), but has a bit of a "House" air to it in that Doc Martin will just say whatever is on his mind, but he knows his stuff.
So, how am I going to squelch this obsession?  As I was writing this, I checked Hulu.  When I checked it before, they wanted $7.99/month, but I just found the 3rd season for free!  Oh, joy of joys!  If anyone knows how to watch English television on the laptop, please let me know!


  1. Those Karen Kingsbury books go on and on...she will often have a new series with one of the characters from the old series branching out to introduce new characters.

    I've seen Doc Martin. And Cornwall...a gorgeous place! My daughter may know how to watch UK tv on the computer. It's a regional thing so you might need to flip the switch in the back of your computer....I sound like I know what I'm talking about but I don't-let me ask her : )

  2. I read voraciously in the summer as well. I can't get enough. I am reading Andy Andrews book, The Noticer right now. Have finished his Final Summit and Gift of the Traveler. I also read the Birthday Bash and get to meet the author at a signing in August because I did a review about her I have a Francine Rivers to read next. I understand there are two more of this one. My daughter has them and will share.

  3. I have the same problem. That's why I stay far far away from things like scrapbooking. Can you imagine what my house might look like with all that pretty paper and those cute little doodads everywhere??

  4. You are so funny.
    We are loving Netflix too....and were angry when we realized some of the shows just 'go away'...but then I found them on the website and sent a few to our queue.
    We started with Dexter a few weeks ago and then moved onto some other stuff. Dexter was kinda freaking me out.
    I really should be reading MORE...Paula Deen's book sounds like a good read!

  5. Hi-I'm a new visitor!
    I found we have much in common.
    I am a great Doc Martin fan too.
    I have been able to watch him on "knowledge" network out of BC.
    But that's Canada, of course.
    If you like the English countryside you might also try "Heartbeat" It was on the air for 18 yrs up until last year. Google it for details.
    Sure enjoyed your apron post too.
    Drop by and visit when you have the time!!

  6. have you watched 24? hubs and i were hooked on them through netflix! crazy. but such a good show. miss it.

  7. Ohhhh, I want to see Doc Martin and Tortilla Soup - there's nothing goos on TV during the summer so I crave a good mocie. Thanks. I actually recommended a movie on my Blog today!

  8. I can really relate to being obsessed with books. I've gotten to like some of the Amish novels as well. A few months ago I had a gift certificate to Amazon so I bought a number of books on sale. What I didn't realize was that the Amish novel was the last one in a series! I've also taken a great liking to some of Jodi Picoult's books. Always love Nicholas Sparks novels. Etc, Etc. Etc!!

  9. I have so much going on and such a bad case of ADD that I'm getting nothing done today. Doc Martin sounds really good though. What a trip to figure out in the middle of surgery that it's people you are operating on...and to have a panic attack??? Oh my. I saw in one of the comments that someone was reading "The Noticer". Have you read that? One of the greatest books ever in my humble opinion. Loved it.

  10. Okay, I think Paula Dean is so much fun to watch (and listen to) on the Food Network! I love when she cooks with her son, too.

    I had two books I ordered prior to our vacay...wanting to read them while on it. You know what? I never touched them. Too relaxed I guess :)

  11. I wish I could be obsessed about something other then blogging! You got it bad and there is nothing wrong with that.


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