Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's National Bike you own a bicycle? When did you last ride a bike? 
I think the last time I rode a bike was Oct. '11, through Kensington Gardens.  I will be riding a bike (at least a couple of times!) in the next month in Germany (and maybe Copenhagen).

OMG!  After reading Sandy's comment, I realized I rode a bike when we were in the Keys over Christmas Break!  Not sure how I could've forgotten about that!

2. What's something you learned in school that wasn't part of the curriculum?
Oh my!  If we're talking college, there's so much that I learned that they can't teach you!

3. What's a food you've never tried, but want to try? What's a food you've tried and will never try again?

4. Have you been more demanding on yourself lately or less? Why? Do you think that's a good trend?
I've been trying to not be demanding on myself, especially since it just stresses me out!

5. Who is your favorite book, movie, or TV show villain? 
Rhett Butler.  Would he actually be considered a villain?

6. How concerned are you about identity theft? 
I try to be aware of security, but I don't let it run my life!

7. I saw this last question on Dawn's blog a couple of week's ago and asked if I could share. Everybody hop over and say hi, but first answer this...would you rather have an ordinary home in an extraordinary place or an extraordinary home in an ordinary place? 
Ordinary home in an extraordinary place.  An ordinary home would be more comfortable.  And, if it was in an extraordinary place, how much would I actually be in the home anyway?

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
A few days ago, YS came up to me and said, "12 more days!"  I looked at him and said, "until what?"  His response:  "Until we leave for Europe!"  I told him I just needed to get through the weekend, and then I would start thinking about it.  Sunday night, I got very little sleep.  First, it took me forever to get to sleep because I was thinking about what I needed to get for the trip.  And, I kept thinking, "I should've started a list before I came to bed, because I'm not going to remember this!"  Laika woke us up around 1:00 needing to go outside, so CH took her out.  Then, I was wide awake.  I got caught up with games on my phone, and laid there until around 4:00, then my alarm went off at 5:30.  
We had a 1/2 day on Monday (without kids since the buses don't run), followed by a staff luncheon.  Since Ms. Principal is retiring, I went to eat with my mountain school at a local restaurant.  We have the best luncheons, especially when they're off campus!


  1. What a definitely need a list! Rhett Butler-I love that answer...I think he is not quite a villain, but more part villain. Underneath he was a good guy.

  2. Natl. Bike Week. Didn't know there was such a thing. I do have a bike, actually 2. One is a 10 speed that I've not riden in years and one is an old cruiser that I love. Just got it out of the shed the ther day, felt now that the weather has final changed it was time to ride again. Last time I rode thought wasn't my bike, but one I rent in January while on vacation. Last time I road my bike was last spring, summer, and fall. I love riding and sometimes ride to the grocery.
    Oozing Out My Ears

  3. I am so excited about your trip. I can't wait to see your pictures and hear all about it. Have a fabulous time. (secretly I am jealous but don't tell anyone)

  4. I don't know if I'd call Rhett a villain, except that he left Scarlett and many of the "proper" folks would have called him one. I always kinda thought India Wilkes was more of a villain. Rhett was just, well, too confident and sexy, lol

  5. I always make a list when I'm doing a big trip. Where in Europe are you going to?

  6. I always make a list when I'm doing a big trip. Where in Europe are you going to?

  7. It's actually National Bike to school day (May 8), bike to work day (May 17) and lots of other stuff!

    And DO, DO, DO, ride in Copenhagen. It's the perfect place to take full advantage of cars being no more important than bikes -- all are equal in terms of protection and access. We have a long way to go here!

    Have a fantastic trip and congratulations on a) another school year well-finished and b) the successful completion of all your sons' school years. That doesn't happen without a lot of love and butt kicking from mom!


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