9/11 Tribute

This song pretty much says it all.  I know I will never forget where I was or what I was doing that day.  May we never forget that awful day, and may God have mercy on us all.


  1. Such an amazing song. I heard it the first time he sang it and he got a standing ovation...and all I could do was cry!!! What a solemn day today will be! Thank you for sharing the song and video!

  2. Thank you for posting on Patriot Day!!!!!!!

    I was going to use another song...but I'm going to use this one instead!

  3. and the greatest is love...

    thanks for sharing

  4. and the greatest is love...

    thanks for sharing

  5. "when the world stopped spinning" - yep, that's exactly what it felt like.

  6. Love the song - hate that it had to written. Thanks for sharing it with us on this most important day.

  7. Thanks, Mary. I'd never heard that song. I'm going to link today's post to yours since I haven't taken the time to learn how to post videos yet.

    Love ya!


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