Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

~  Still trying to get over Sisters' Weekend 2011...bus duty isn't helping.

~  Went to bed last night at 7:00...was asleep by 7:30.  Forgot to mention nyquil in my Hodgepodge this week!  It's a wonderful thing!

~  Look what finally came in the mail last week:
  And I only had to get 30 lattes/year to get it; upkeep is 30 lattes/year.  The free soy is worth it, right?  :-)

~  MS came home Wed. night...we had a nice Mexican dinner out.  (Any dinner is nice when it's out, no?)  We saw the boy more when he was living on campus than we do now that he's living "at home".

~  I got a not so nice surprise in the mail yesterday:  A summons to jury duty.  Great.  Last time I had jury duty, we had just moved to SC (it was the first year we were there) and I was on a murder the only female juror.  I ran into one of the prosecutors at the grocery store a few days after it was over, and he stopped and said hi and asked how I was doing.  I could've DIED.  Not a good feeling.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that if I do have to go in, I'll get excused since the judge is a neighbor.

~  We got a new sliding glass door! YAY!  Gone is the almost 50 year old noisy, ugly, sticking door!  We were hoping to put in double glass doors instead, but the window guy said that it wasn't possible because of the size.  Oh well!  I can't believe how quiet and easy this door is to open!  The girls are going to have to get used to a new sound to know when we're letting them outside!

Don't forget to visit Mrs. 4444 and see how everyone else's week was!


  1. Congrats on the gold $tarbuck$ card!! Cool! Jury duty? I have never been called. Hope I didn't just jinx myself.

  2. what a cute blog!! it's my first visit. we have looked at a couple homes in the mt area of SC...

    nyquil rocks! we finally got our starbucks card, and it's just not hard for me to rack up those latte's. yuck on jury duty. my father has done it several times, they never want my mother ;-)

  3. I just got a jury duty notice too. I've never been on a jury, never gotten a call in any of the many places we've lived. My neighbor was called last year and she said when they asked what she watched on tv and listened to on the radio she said Fox New and Christian Radio and that was all it took : ) She went home. It might be interesting but I don't want to be on a jury that lasts a long time or is associated with any sort of violent crime.

  4. I actually went in for jury duty about two weeks ago; I was hoping they would have picked me, but all of us never got up to a courtroom. We waited 3-1/2 hours, found the case they might need to pick a jury for settled so we were sent home and released for the rest of the week of jury duty. My employer pays for jury duty so I got paid for reading a book 3-1/2 hours; so wasn't too bad! I'm hoping one day I'll actually get on a jury!

    Cool with the Starbucks card!!

    have a good weekend!


  5. Yes, Nyquil is a wonderful thing--I'm about to indulge myself in a short while. I've only served on a jury once--as an alternate. It was also a murder trial and we were sequestered. Three days in a hotel! Three days of eating out every meal! Did I mention I had 4 teenagers at home at the time? It was wonderful--well, except for the sitting in court all day part. When they were assigning rooms, I quickly noted there was an odd number of women and held back so that I got a room to myself. ;-)

  6. Oh Nyquil! How I love thee! And yes....every meal out is a good thing, in my opinion. I had one of those tonight and it was fantastic. Hope you have a great weekend and that you get out of that jury duty easily!

  7. Love the gold starbucks card...only twice have I been called to jury duty and they both settled out of court. Bus duty is bad....I did afternoon the month of August...and am currently doing mornings the month of Sept. I have to get up and leave 30 minutes earlier...add that to my hour drive already....and it makes a really long day. Good side...bus duty for me will be completely over in 13 days. Woooo hoooo...

  8. Bus duty AND jury duty! Does the Starbucks card balance that out???

  9. Nyquil is like a shot of coffee for me....never makes me sleepy. I hope you are feeling better.
    Congrats on your starbucks card. whatever that is. :)


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