I need to take a bit of a break.  I had my laptop open, but it was off.  I thought the top to my water bottle was on tight, but it was just covered up.  You know what I'm getting ready to say:  A little bit of water splashed onto my keyboard.  I wiped off the keyboard, put the hairdryer on cool and tried to dry it off.  Later that evening, I noticed a couple of keys weren't working.  So, I took the battery out, turned the laptop upside down, and went to bed.  This morning, the laptop wouldn't even turn on.  CH worked on it for a bit, then declared it dead.  Looks like Santa's bringing me a new laptop for Christmas.  The good news is that my data should all still be there, which is a good thing because I'm terrible at backing up things like, oh, say, pictures.  I put all of our London pictures on a cd, so, yay me for getting that done.  Then there are other things like:  my checkbook that I didn't back up in a while.  That's what I get for being so stinkin' lazy and not getting up to get the flash drive.
Lesson learned:  close the laptop when not in use and keep it away from liquids.
Hope to be back very, very soon!


  1. Bummer, but it's happened to me. Now I have an automatic back-up that works whether the laptop is on or off, likewise with my desk computer. I have learned the hard way to back up. Hope to see you soon.

  2. My daughter has been baking with my ipad nearby...makes me a teensy bit nervous. Hope everything is there when you get your new laptop!

  3. What a BUMMER!!
    But, glad you've been such a good girl that Santa is going to replace it. Enjoy your "break" (I know, it's an awful pun) and we'll be here to greet you when you're back online.

  4. I'm so sorry, Mary! I spilled coffee on my laptop this summer. My husband happened to be standing there and jerked my laptop up and turned it over quickly. Thankfully, he just had to replace the keyboard. I would have lost everything as I am not good at backing stuff up either. I hope you are able to recover everything that you need to very easily.

  5. Oh bummer! A new laptop will be fun though :)

  6. sorry. Hope you get it all worked out. ((HUGS))

  7. I finally learned to back my stuff up fairly regularly after crashing two computers over the years. Hubs finally bought me an external hard drive and now life is easier. But it sure is annoying when this happens!

  8. Thomas has done this three times!!!! It makes me crazy, lol! I hope you get a lovely new computer for Christmas!!! Have a happy, safe and blessed Christmas! Hugs!

  9. That is so NOt nice for you....sorry. I hope you can get all your photos off of there. I mean, I know checkbook stuff is important, but photos are priceless!!!

  10. Sorry to hear of your misfortune with the computer. Not fun at all. Hope you're back up and running soon with all your data. Blessings, SusanD

  11. Couple of bits of advice: 1) I think that Lenova makes a waterproof laptop. You might want to look into it. 2) Get an external hard drive and regularly back up your stuff. I got one last year for Christmas and have been incredibly thankful for it. I moved a bunch of stuff to it to save my hard drive space (this keeps the computer running faster too) and have, a few times, pulled something from the external...a file...that I needed for school.

    What a big pain though. So sorry you're having to deal with this!

  12. I hate when that happens! We just discovered that one of our desktops must have been fried by our latest power outage. It only lasted a second, but was enough evidently.


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