One Day Down

Well, one school day down, 179 to go!  Seriously, though, today was a really good day.  It was so good to see the kids.  One of the first students I saw was a 2nd grader who had always had long hair.  She came in with the cutest haircut!  It looked so adorable on her.  

I got to school at 7:00 today, and was met by the principal in the parking lot. I told him that I learned to get there early on the first day so I could get a parking space.  It only took 3 years, but I had a prime  parking space!  When I got into my room, I realized that I had been so traumatized by the first day of school that I had forgotten my lunch box...which not only had my lunch in it, but also my breakfast.  I called MS around 7:40 and asked him to bring it to me.  Of course, I figured he had gone back to sleep after he talked to me, so I didn't have a lot of hope that he'd get there before lunch.  But, around 9:30-10:00, in he came!  Mark that down in the pro column for having kids that are in college!

I tracked down my kids, figured out which Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade students needed to be rescreened, and managed to get a letter out to the teachers about scheduling.  It was a busy, full day.  The best part is that I'm actually excited about being back to work!

31 more Mondays!  (We don't have school on a lot of Mondays this year, so the Mondays we aren't in school don't count!)


  1. Not bothering to look before I ask, but what do you teach? Glad the day went well.

  2. Well, when you put that way (31 more Mondays) it really doesn't sound so bad, I think. LOL

  3. It's always great to get back to school, and see everyone isn't it? Those Mondays will pass quickly. I have a "back to school memories" post up today. Have a great new year :)

  4. Being excited about work is always a good thing. Here's to a good year!

  5. say WHAT? you're already back to school. My whining shall cease now!

  6. School starts earlier and earlier, but you have such a great attitude! Happy school year!

  7. Glad your day was a good one. We did the inservice thing come on Monday....right now...I have a Spanish I class with 41 students in it. I am frantic....they promised me in the guidance office...that the numbers would be leveled. I certainly hope so....with first period planning and 41 as my last class of the day...they will have to bury me before the year is out.

  8. Glad you are excited...that is half the battle!

  9. 31 Mondays don't seem so bad!! Much better than 179 days!

  10. We go back on the 16th and our students come back on the 23rd. I am kind of ready...

    I hope the rest of your year is successful and memorable!

    :-) Susan

  11. Tomorrow is my first inservice. I'm not ready. Summer has been too good.

  12. I guess Congratulations on your return isn't really the appropriate sentiment...

    How about this: those kids are darned lucky to get you, and they'll not know until they're parents how blessed they were to have you cross their paths.

    Have a great school year!

  13. My stomach turned as I read this. ha ha. My first day will be Aug 24.I hope all goes well and I remember what to do.


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