Friday's Favorite Fave

It's time to get back on the FFF bandwagon!  Link up with Susanne by clicking on the picture.

1.  A good band booster meeting.  It was actually quite fun.  A lot of laughing, and no stress involved in this one.  I guess we're like a family:  we'll have our spats, but then it's done and we move on.

2.  Getting new Pampered Chef stuff!  I just got a few little odds & ends, but oh how I love Pampered Chef!

3.  Getting some soap products in the mail.  Some goodies for the boys for Valentine's Day, and some foot lotion for me.  This stuff is great!  I'm so glad my SIL took me by the store over Christmas Break.  I like Bath & Body Works, but would much rather support local businesses. 

4,  Some relief.  A couple of weeks ago when I had the chest congestion/cough, I did something to my ribs...possibly.  Then, I did something really stupid:  I went to the chiropractor for an adjustment and didn't tell him about it.  Not one of my smartest moments.  I went back last Friday and told him what happened.  He worked his magic, and it feels much better.  It still hurts, but at least I can breath!

5.  Jeans Day and  barbecue.  The superintendent is visiting my mountain school today, so we got to wear jeans yesterday.  And, since I'm at a different school today, I get to wear jeans again!  I love to wear my jeans and sweatshirt/fleece/tshirts on Fridays!

What were some of the highlights of your week?


  1. My friend is a band mom and she enjoys her group too. Pampered Chef does make some great stuff. I love cooking on my stones more than anything. Glad your ribs are better. Lesson learned to not keep secrets from your chiropractor. Ha. Jeans on Friday—always good.

  2. Do you wear uniforms at school ? I often wore jeans at school an that was end 50th ! It was very much in fashion.

  3. One of my favorite Pampered Chef things in that simple, but oh so brilliant, little brown plastic scrapper thingy. I use that thing every single day.

    Ouch to your ribs. Hope they are back to feeling totally better soon.

  4. I love Pampered Chef! It makes cooking so much more fun, having the right tools.

    Jeans on Fridays -- whoever thought that up is a genius. It makes everyone happy.

  5. Jeans day is my favorite day! I love to wear my jeans and boots to work!

    I am totally addicted to Pampered Chef. I love all their products!

    Glad you can breathe now!

  6. Your Booster Club comment made me remember "back in the day" (really only a few years ago) when my daughter was in Orchestra and I was heavily involved in the Booster Club. I honestly can say I miss that now that it's over.

  7. Glad you are feeling better. I love how my chiropractor can work such magic too.

    I am blessed that I can wear jeans every day at work, if I wanted to. I want to, but only do so 2 times a week as I try to look more professional the other days.

  8. You have a new follower! Hopping by from the blog hop! I look forward to following your blog! Come visit Mama's Little Chick when you can and say hi! Have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  9. Beautiful blog!!! YAY for no stress at the band booster meeting!

    I am glad your are getting better! There is nothing worse than congestion!


  10. Hi, I'm a new follower and I really like your blog. I'm the band booster president of my son's HS band in CA. I totally get the stress thing. Anyway, I'm looking foward to reading more of your posts!

  11. Glad the meeting went well and that you're feeling better. Getting new stuff is fun!

  12. It's always a relief when the meetings go well. I have to say I don't miss those days. Glad you're feeling better now.

  13. lol- I would simply die if I had to get all dressed up to go to work everyday!

    Visiting from Never growing Old's Over 40 blog hop.

    I have a few blogs:

    Blogging Biz Mom

    Working at home advice

    Come on home

  14. I was in a bad place several years ago with Pampered Chef. Bad in that I spent a great deal of $$. I have lots of stuff that I love. My fave is my food chopper and my spreaders. Use them all the time!

  15. Blogging, blogging, blogging, blogging, and yet more blogging. My routine is nearly identical every day. Yeah, we did our home school lessons, took care of our chores...oh wait, my FB fan page book give-away promo! I did send out an autograph copy of my children's book for early readers (ages 5-12) to Tara Larson. That definitely was the high light of my week. Anyhoo, hope you have an excellent weekend!

  16. I've always said that I could get a lot more work done if they would just let me wear jeans everyday..oh yeah....and flip flops. haha!

    Have a great weekend, Mary. I always love reading your blog posts. :)

  17. I love PC stuff too....makes cooking ALMOST fun.
    Going to check out the soap stuff.
    I had a cough that lingered and hurt me so much a few years ago...I ended up fracturing on of my ribs. I can sympathize with that pain you have had. Glad you are feeling better.

  18. Love getting anything in the mail and UPS even when I ordered it! Positive band meeting are always a good thing. Glad your feeling better! Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. It's a great day when there's no stress at a booster club meeting. And very happy you're feeling better. That must have hurt, along with being sick. Have a great weekend.

  20. thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a great weekend? You mean you don't want to come be the hostess with the mostess for me?

  21. Oh, I just love Pampered Chef. I do not get into their big products, which I am sure are nice, I like to induldge in the little things:)

  22. I love Pampered Chef. I was a consultant and director for 4 years when the boys were itty bitty!

  23. I just love Pampered Chef stuff.
    Glad you got the relief you needed from you chiropractor. Sounds like it was a pretty good week.

  24. I just got some Pampered Chef yesterday!! Can't wait to try the food chopper and the grater.

    I also picked up my Aloette order today. Good thing I got paid today!

  25. Oh, I'm a kitchen gadget lover too!! But I spent my week downunder here in OZ looking for more Aussie oddities for my blog!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  26. Gotta love jeans days! I love PC stuff, too, very much--My kitchen is full of it!

    Have a great weekend...

  27. Love me some pampered chef....loved your Friday favs. I love Friday's and blue jean day. It is the only day we can wear them...and i look forward to it.

  28. We get to wear jeans the 1st Friday of each month. I love it. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've been blogging for years but never met any other bloggers in East TN until now. Hugs!

  29. I haven't been to a pampered chef party in forever. During the summer months I dress way up for the tea room and I so love the Winter months it is like your Friday everyday.

  30. I'm stopping by from fff. It sounds like a good week! I love Pampered Chef stuff. I am a new GFC follower, too. I hope you have a great weekend.


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