An Airy Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Is your home air conditioned? If it's not air conditioned, is that by choice? Did you grow up with air conditioning? If not how did you cope with the heat? Share about a time or place you remember as being too hot-the temperature kind of hot, lest anyone be confused.
Most definitely our house is air-conditioned! My parents didn't get air conditioning until I was in high school, so after we were married, I told CH that as long as there was a penny in the bank, I wouldn't be cold in the winter or hot in the summer!
We had fans all over the place in our house growing up. Since Daddy worked in air conditioning, when it was hot on the weekends he had to get someplace the mountains. We would pack up and head for the Smoky Mountains (which is just up the road) for an afternoon of playing the cold mountain stream.
A time/place it was too hot? That would be on our recent trip to the Outer Banks. Although it was almost cool in the evenings with the wind blowing, the days were scorchers...a lot of riding around with the air on, and visiting places with air conditioning.

2. What's something in your life right now that falls under the heading 'up in the air'?
I can't think of anything that is up in the air at the moment. 

3. Your favorite light and airy dessert?
"Cool 'n Easy Pie" And, it's really easy to make sugar-free!

4. When did you last feel like you were 'floating on air'?
Last year, right about this time. I found out that a co-worker & I had been accepted to present a poster at our National Organization's Convention, and that OS was moving back from Utah.

5. Airport, airmail, airtight, airhead...which have you most recently encountered? Explain.
This is for you, UPS employee who somehow couldn't find my house to deliver a couple of books from Amazon: Airhead. I got a notification that my address was wrong & the package couldn't be delivered. I double-checked the was correct. I've never had a problem before, and it's not like we live out in the boonies. We're on a main street in the Small Town, and they deliver almost daily to our next-door-neighbor. I "chatted" with UPS Friday night & they said it would be delivered Tues. I should have told him that they would deliver it on Saturday. I would have, except I'm not quite ready to read them yet...I have another book that I've started & want to finish before I start on those. The books were delivered Tuesday night, right before 7:00. 

6.  Have you ever been to the Alps? If so where did you go? If not, is this a destination on your must-see list? If you were headed that direction this summer, which of the following would be your preferred activity...a gentle walk, a serious walk, a bike ride, a boat ride around one of the lakes, or summer snow skiing?
Oh, my. I was in the Alps 2 years ago when I "chaperoned" a group of high school kids on the Germany trip. GORGEOUS. And we didn't even get into the more beautiful areas in Switzerland. We took in an Alpine the time we got to the top, it was raining ice and we were absolutely freezing! Oh, but the views! I'd love to go back and explore with gentle hikes. 

7. What is one saying or phrase that was considered 'cool' when you were growing up?
Far out, man! 

8. Insert your own random thought here.

It's back to work for me on Monday. Crazy, right?  Every year it seems like it gets harder & harder to go back, and this year is the worst so far. I'm sure it'll be fine once I get in there & get back in the swing of things. I'm not nearly as motivated this year as I've been in past years. Time to "suck it up"! 


  1. Wow you go back early! It's only the middle of summer! I cannot imagine living in East Tenn without ac. I guess as kids we didn't know what we were missing : ) Are you going to the big reunion? I think we're coming in for that.

  2. Hope your transition back to work will be better than expected. :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by. I'll have to check out your trip to the Outer Banks, it's on our must see list! Hope you enjoy your last few weeks before you have to get back into a routine. All the best.

  4. The end of summer is drawing near for both of us. When do you go back? When do your students. We go back for inservices on August 3rd. I will be taking the 4th off because I am a poll worker and we have a special election. The students come back on the 10th. I am excited...and dreading the same time.

  5. I had a similar encounter with the post office lady on my answer to #5. I had to attend an in-service two weeks ago. It seems June goes by slow but once July 4th is over the next day is school. My county starts back August 12th-not too far behind you.

  6. Your photos of the Alps are lovely!

  7. Really, you go back in July? Isn't that kind of early?

  8. Wow, summer went by fast! The kids back where we used to live go back to school today; the kids here around August 3rd.


  9. I always think of John Denver when I hear the phrase, 'far out.' He was one of my favorites, and often said 'far out' during his shows and recordings. Have a great Wednesday!

  10. I am now reminded that I must go to the post office this morning. That is an errand I absolutely don't like because most (not all) of the workers there are so surly and the lines are soooooo long.
    Far out, man! I had forgotten that one. Your photos of Switzerland are lovely.

  11. It seems early to be going back to work as our UK schools are only just breaking up for the summer. Hope the transition is relatively painless.

  12. It's already time to go back!?!?!?!?
    School starts around here next Wednesday ... summers get shorter & shorter.

  13. Our teachers go back to work next week, too. The summers seem to get shorter and shorter. Enjoy what's left of it.
    Don't even get me started on UPS or USPS... always having trouble with both!

  14. LT had trouble with UPS. He had a deliver that needed a signature and we were both at work. If someone was home it would arrive at 8 pm, but since no one could be home before 3 pm, the package was delivered at 2 pm. Do they stalk us to see if we are home and put us out even more? I feel your pain! I am not ready for school to start. I am doing summer school and haven't done anything to get ready for the new school year. We start the end of August.

  15. We didn't have AC either til I was in 7th or 8th grade and my dad rarely let us have it on so it wasn't really worth it. It was hard to sleep at night growing up, I tell you!

  16. That pie sounds so easy, thanks for the recipe.
    Back at work on Monday, that is just too soon!

  17. Chris has been to Germany and Switzerland when he was in the Army and keeps saying he wants to take me there...I keep waiting! Looks beautiful!

  18. Sorry you have to go back to work already. We still have another month here. I enjoyed your answers today! I'm copying your cool and easy pie recipe...thanks for sharing!

  19. Oh, man. I hope your Amazon order finds its way to you!


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