Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday
Rebecca started this link up so we can stop and think about a few "normal" things in our lives to be thankful for.
This week, I’m thankful for…
…rain. We’ve gotten a lot of rain this week; we’ve needed every drop!

… friends that I can just pick up where we left off years ago. Even though we live in the same town, it’s been a few years since we’ve had time to catch up.

… bboks. What would summer be without them?

...Netflix & Hulu. Again...what would summer be without them?

...Emergency responders. You never think a train derailment will happen in your area, but here it is. We were the top story on the Today Show this morning. Luckily I live just outside (and I mean "Just") the evacuation perimeter. Also lucky for everyone else I would be pretty scary for people to see me with my bed hair!


  1. A train that's some scary stuff! So happy for you that you didn't have to evacuate, bedhead or not! I hope all are safe!

    I am very thankful for Netflix and good books too. In fact, I was reading this morning and didn't want to get ready for work! lol

    Have a great day Mary!!

  2. Scary about the train derailment; glad you weren't affected with the evacuation! Always good to have lists of thankfuls!


  3. Oh wow!!! My dad - who is never afraid of anything - always said he was afraid of trains... which blew my mind because me - being afraid of everything - never thought to be afraid of them. Now, with all the derailments lately, I am rethinking my fear.

    Thanks for linking up again lady!!!

  4. The train accident is SO scary!! Those first responders are our everyday heroes; I hope they are all ok.
    Netflix is the best this invented since the internet. Thanks Al Gore. Wait, did he invent Netflix also???

  5. Good things to be thankful for. Have a great day.

  6. I heard the train news today!

  7. You shared a great list of thankfuls!

  8. All excellent thankfuls!! Wishing you a happy 4th! Stay safe :)

  9. What a nice list of things to be thankful for. I wondered how close to the derailment you where.


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