Friday Fragments

Friday Fragments with Star
I'm linking up today with A Star in My Own Universe  for Friday Fragments.

☀Today is the last day of my summer break.  Boo! Doesn't it seem ironic that our summer break ends in the middle of summer?

☀I have no idea how this happened:

Photo by Wendy Tittsworth
☀My cousin posted this on FB. Interesting read. I saw several companies on the list that we do business with on a daily basis. Meet the 39 Companies that Donate Directly to Planned Parenthood.

☀ Is anybody using Periscope? I had heard of a it a few months ago while listening to The Busted Halo Show, but didn't really look into it. Now it's all the rage among Speech Pathologists that I follow on FB, blogs, and IG. I've mostly been stalking. It just seems that it's taking up quite a bit of time. I guess I need to be more selective about the ones I'm watching. If you're on there, I'm @tnslp29. I was really nervous, but I did a first "scope" yesterday morning:

☀I was really surprised to see this guy on the Today Show yesterday. He doesn't look anything like I expected him to!
Love that song!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I downloaded Periscope a couple weeks ago, bot didn't do anything with it. I think I removed the app. I saw Mark Lowry talking about it on FB.

    So sorry you have to go back to work next week. Hope you enjoy your last weekend.

  2. I also saw that Camaro photo on FB. I have no idea how that happened, but of course my family all teased me about it. For the record, I never got my car stuck on anything ;-) I also saw that list of businesses who support planned parenthood. I found it helpful. I would be interested in this Periscope thing if it really is useful for speech improvement. I have a couple kiddos who need some assistance in that area. I will have to look in to that.

  3. I keep catching things on periscope at work when I see links on Twitter. I love technology.
    Hope you enjoy your last day!!!

  4. I haven't heard of Periscope, will have to look into it. I checked the companies that donated to Planned Parenthood. I work for a pretty big company, glad to see it wasn't on the list, but I'm not surprised because they are very tight with their money (no employee raises in YEARS). It does always surprise me that school starts in the middle of summer. We were always the traditional out in June back after Labor Day.


  5. Sorry about your summer break ending. Shucks. I'm not familiar with periscope, but will have to look into it.

  6. Crazy that summer break ends just when summer is getting hottest. Thank you for posting the link to the info about Planned Parenthood. The word needs to get out about the butchery and selling of baby body parts! Who can think that's okay??

  7. Can't believe your summer is over! Mine is close, but two more weeks that are fairly crammed. I downloaded periscope and have done nothing. Now, I will have to go back to it! Have a wonderful year!

  8. Your summer is over? Yikes! How is that even possible? Thanks for the link about Planned Parenthood.


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