Reminiscing the 4th

Believe it or not, I did not watch fireworks last night.  In fact, I haven't really seen any since we went to DC and saw fireworks while we sat at the National Mall.  Nothing can compare to this sight:

That 4th of July stands out in my mind for obvious reasons.  Another 4th that stands out in my mind is one that we spent with my in-laws.  OS must have been 2, and we went down to their house to spend some time at the beach.  We went to the Army Post where my FIL was stationed for the fireworks.  There was just something really emotional to be surrounded by men and women who love this country so much that they would be willing to give their life so that we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we have.

Our small town used to have "Freedomfest" (but it wasn't held on the was held the weekend before), and it actually grew to be fairly large.  It became more of a festival feel (thus the "fest"!) with a lot of different booths around the park, and the swimming pool in the middle of the activities.  A radio station from the big city would come and give stuff away.  Streets around the schools & swimming pool were blocked off.  (Fortunately we live close  enough that we could walk down and enjoy the festivities.)  The night ended with the fireworks being shot over the duck pond.  This was  the biggest 4th festival in our county, so there were thousands of people who came.  Some people  even came from other counties to celebrate with us.  But, due to the economy, Freedomfest was put on hold last year.   This year:  no Freedomfest either.  There are just too many other things that need the money the schools. 

One of my brothers and his wife usually invite the family over for swimming and a day of talking, laughing,  and  enjoying each other.  Last year they went to see their oldest son & his wife instead, so the 4th was extremely quiet around here.  This year, the celebration was revived!  What a great day we had!  It was hot, but a little overcast.  It was so much fun being in the pool with nephews, nieces, siblings, and their grandchildren.  There may have been one or two squirt gun fights.  And, somebody may have been squirted by somebody's grandson (at Grams urging) when all she had was a little bitty squirt toy.  You use what you've got, right?  

I took some pictures, but, since I don't know if my siblings want their picture to be on my blog, I'm not going to post those.  Well, except for this one:
I'm posting this one because my sister, Tina, also has a blog.  If you haven't checked it out, take a minute and go visit her.

I have to show you this video from yesterday.  My brother has 2 dogs, Joey & Chandler (from Friends, get it?) who are hoots!  If you squirt Joey with the water gun, he'll try to eat the water and growl.  Here's a clip of one of my nephews squirting him:
 Those kids stayed in the pool all day, except to eat.  We had some really good food, but have you ever heard anybody say they went to a get-together  and had bad food?    Just something for you to think about!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th!


  1. Glad you enjoyed your 4th. I never experienced the full "Freedomfest" down there. I was gone before it became such an event. I do remember and fondly think of the fireworks displays over the duck pond in the years before Freedomfest. Good times!

  2. Sounds like a fun time! When I lived in Wilmington I used to go with several of the sisters to a local park where they had various performers and ended with fireworks. It was always an enjoyable evening. Because the crowds were so large, the planners encouraged people to take advantage of the free parking facilities provided downtown and then also provided buses to and from the park! Can't beat that!

  3. Glad you had a good time!

    Have you heard Joey sing?

  4. Looks like everyone had a TERRIFIC time!!!

  5. So glad you were able to have such a fun time with the family! Weare s blessed, hm? AND I would love to see the fireworks in DC sometime!! And I couldn't agree more about the food always being GOOD!! Hello! :-)

  6. I think the food always tastes better when you are surrounded by good people.
    Your day looks the video.
    Joey and chandler? LOL!

  7. I'll be the fireworks in DC are awesome!

  8. Good times. Good Food. Good friends (Family)...can't beat that!

  9. I haven't been to a fireworks show in years! I told my husband last night though that next year is going to be different! We are going to celebrate in style! I miss the fireworks shows! When I was a kid we went to the lake each year and we would take our boat from our cabin over to the big marina where they had a fireworks show. We would watch the show from our boat with hundreds of other boats! Now that was fun! Glad you had a fun fourth!

  10. I agree...not much compares to fireworks at the National Mall in DC...especially when they play the Star Spangled Banner...and the fireworks begin exploding. I have also seen them in Philadelphia (good)...and New York (breathtaking as well), New Orleans (sad)...and LA from the Hollywood Bowl...pretty cool too....but DC by far the best. Frank asked me to marry him on July 4th....just as the fireworks began at Thunder on the Hooch in Columbus...of the 8 years since that happened...we have only been together on July 4th twice. I am usually at the NEA Delegate Assembly the week of the 4th. Iam glad to be home this year. Did not go see fireworks either. Love the picture of you and your sister.

  11. I think the food is always good at a get together cause no one person had to cook it all! Sounds like you had fun. I can understand seeing the fireworks in DC must not compare to anything else.

    :-) Susan

  12. So true that the National Mall fireworks are tops...but it should be. I have never been there to witness, only on T.V.

    Something to add on my bucket list.

    I agree with what Busy Bee Suz said about food always tastes better around good friends and family. So true! Happy 4th.


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