First 2012 Hodgepodge

Joyce has more questions for us this week.  Honestly, I don't know how she keeps coming up with them and not duplicate them.  It's easy to play along:  Visit From This Side of the Pond, copy and paste the questions into your blog, and answer.  Oh, and don't forget to link up!
1. What are three words you would use to describe your 2011?
Terrible, No-good, very-bad.  (if you hyphenate, it counts as 1 word, right?)

2. Do you like shrimp? What's your favorite way to have it prepared?
I LOVE shrimp!  It doesn't matter how it's prepared.

3. Is your house de-Christmased? If so when did you tackle that job? If not, when will the decorations come down?
Yes.  Moving along...

4. Do you like to watch scary movies?
No.  I'm fine while I'm watching it, but then my imagination goes wild and I'm scared silly.

5. ice skating~sledding~skiing~snowboarding~of the four listed which wintertime activity do you most enjoy?
Sledding.  I've never snowboarded.  I've only gone skiing a couple of times.  The first time was in Rochester, Mn. during an AFS Short-term Exchange with Mayo High School.  I don't think any of us had ever been skiing before, or maybe just a couple of kids had.  There was this one boy who immediately went onto the intermediate slope (it was his 1st time).  We would watch him ski a little, then fall down; then ski a little, then fall down.  By the end of the day he was skiing all the way down.
6. Did you have a childhood hideout? Describe it.
There was a place in the back of the yard that I loved to go.  It was under a tree, and there must've been some brush around it.  It was like a little cave.  Now, when I look out at my parents' backyard, I'm amazed at how big I thought that backyard was!

7. What's a place or space that motivates you?
Church motivates me to be a better person, especially the Adoration Chapel.  Honestly...there's nothing like sitting quietly in front of  Jesus, being still and listening.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 
I really, really need/want a snow day.  Because Christmas Break wasn't long enough to sit in front of the tv and watch movies.  


  1. I am so with you on the snow day and Christmas break not being long enough. We do get the King-Lee holiday on January whatever...but then it is a long dry haul to spring break at the end of march.

  2. Great answers to great questions! I'll be late on the HodgePodge this week- had to post about Breezy's birthday! We love shrimp too! Just about any way it is prepared works just fine! I'm the same as you on the scary movies and the sledding, and the backyard hideout only it was up in the tree AND I want a snow day too but because I want snow! LOL Have a great day!

  3. I saw there was a little snow down south and I know it doesn't take much to get a snow day there so maybe you got lucky today?

    It is frigid here but I saw we might hit 50 again on Saturday. I am not missing the white stuff yet!

    Hope 2012 is better in every way.

  4. Isn't it amazing how big everything seemed when we were children ... and how small it is now that we're adults? ;-) The house we lived in when I was a child seemed average sized ... but when I look at it now, I can't believe 5 of us lived in that tiny house! ha!

  5. A snow day sounds good to me too - and I just got back from having 12 days off!

  6. I hope you get your Snow Day soon. So many movies, so little time!

  7. I miss havng snowdays. I don't think that is going to happen any time soon here, but I can still wish.
    I hope that your 3 words for 2012 are much more positive.

  8. Hope your 2012 is nothing like your 2011! ...and I hope you do get that snow day! :)

  9. Everything did seem much bigger when we were kids, didn't it. I know when I drive by one of the house we used to live in, I'm amazed with how small some of them were.

  10. So 2012 has to be better if those are your words for 2011. I hope you will share your tree story one day.((HUGS)) Love your answer to
    #7. Praying for snow!

  11. Enjoyed your answers. Hoping that 2012 will be a better year for you and your family. Isn't it funny how when you look at something now and it seems so small compared to what you remember from childhood.
    until next time... nel

  12. totally with you on 2, 7 + 8!

  13. Sorry you had such a rough year :(
    Funny how different we see things as adults!
    Hope this year is better for ya!

  14. I looked out Mom and Dad's window some time ago and thought the very same thing. That yard was Humongous when we were kids! My goodness, we played baseball/softball in that backyard but now I don't see how!

  15. Hope and pray 2012 is a better year for you. Great answer to #7. My county was closed what was to be the first day back after Christmas break. I was glad--because I have bus duty this entire week.

  16. Longing for snow as well! We had so much the last couple of years and not a flake yet this year. - You're ahead of my on the Christmas decorations. Working for a University I was off work for two weeks. I usually leave my tree up until New Year's Day. If I don't get it down then, I might as well forget it because the two weeks at work after my break are nightmares. No time for taking down trees. Mine is still up! Next year I must remember to take it down right after Christmas while I'm still off work!

  17. Awww...I hope that 2012 goes much better for you. *hugs*


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