It's All Over

Christmas Break is now officially over.   For me, anyway.  YS still has a couple of days before he goes back, and OS & MS still have another week. 

Luckily, today we have an Administration Day, which means the kids actually have an extra day off.  It also means that it's almost like an extra day for the faculty:  It's a laid-back kind of day.  I like having this day to myself:  being able to get myself geared back up for seeing those smiling little faces, and (more importantly) knowing what the heck we're going to do that first day.  I detest starting the day without a plan.  I think I do a much better job when I go in knowing just what I want to do that first day back. I'm definitely not a "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of girl.

It's not going to help that it's going to be cold today...only up to around 35 degrees, if it gets that warm.  A Starbucks run is definitely in the plans, especially since I don't have to be at school until 8:00 (instead of the usual 7:30 when the kids are there). 

So now we have the following to look forward to:  Snow Days (please, please!), Spring Break (although it's technically still winter when we have break), and the end of the school year.  It's all downhill from here!


  1. Snow days ... who doesn't love snow days. Of course, when I was working at the University, it didn't matter how many snow days we had because we never made them up (with summer semester and all). ;-) I'm praying for some snow days here! ;-)

  2. We woke up to a dusting of snow this morning. Quite a change from our 50 degree New Year's Day weather!

    Enjoy your first day back : ) Daughter2 and I are heading to the Container Store and then a mall nice mall near there (its a hike to the Container Store). Enjoying today since tomorrow we have to deal with the Social Security office-ugh!

  3. Mary, I hope your first day back is awesome! I hope you get a couple of snow days and have a great spring break!

    Take care.

  4. I only had a 3 day weekend, but I'm still having a hard time getting back in the swing of things.

  5. Been a while, huh? Missed reading all the blogs. Snow day #1 for us today. There is about a 1/2 to 1 inch of snow at our house, but, like you said, temperature will not rise much today. Have a good second semester!

  6. Mary, I'm right with you when it comes to NOT flying by the seat of your pants type of girl! Glad you have this day to ease into it. I always appreciated those days when I taught in a school. May you have a wonderful, peace-filled second semester!

  7. I am back at school today with kids and playing a little catch up. I am a planner in general so I am with you on that one. Starbucks?? Yes please!! Although here in sunny CA it is supposed to be in the 80's!!!!!!!

  8. I just told my husband last night...I am already ready for a snow day!

  9. I'll cross my fingers for a snow day for you!! :)

    For Love of Cupcakes

  10. It was a whoppin' 12 degrees in the Ponderosa bottoms this mornin'.

    I do remember those back to school days. In Special Ed, the kiddos seemed to lose so much over breaks and we'd start all over again.

    God bless ya and hopefully they'll be some snow days in your future! :o)

  11. I had to laugh, your already counting down the school year!

  12. I'm not a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl either. I always feel better with a plan. It would be awesome to actually have a snow day. Would you believe that it's New Hampshire in January and we have absolutely no snow?! It's wicked cold though at about 13 right now and falling. :)

    Happy New Year to you!

  13. Hope tomorrow goes well for you. I wish we started back with a staff day, that makes a lot of sense to me.

    I've always rather dreaded the period from January to spring break in April, it seems so LONG! I'll try to look at things your way though.

  14. Exactly!! Nevermind those pesky state tests...we hate those. But yes, bring on the snow!!

  15. It will go by so fast between now and the end of the year. I remember when my kids were in school. After January came, it seemed like June was just a hop and skip away! Just enjoy each and every day the best you can!


  16. 35 degrees? How does one function is this type of cold? Do you bathe IN the starbucks???


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