Wednesday Hodgepodge

I'm not sure I can answer the questions this week from Joyce, seeing as how it's Fall Break and I'm trying hard not to think too much!  Here goes nothing!

1.  In what ways do you indulge yourself?
I'll buy something that I normally wouldn't buy.  (I don't that very often anymore, CH!)

2.  Have you ever taken a cooking class?  Any interest?  What type of class would you most like to try?
I've never taken one, but have looked at some at the university.  I'm not sure what type I'd most likely try...maybe something that's geared toward low carb/low fat but still with some taste!

3. What does it mean to be a good citizen? 
Obeying the laws, picking up trash when you see it, being courteous to others when passing, and doing your civic duty by being aware of what's going on both locally and nationally so that you can make an informed decision when voting.

4.  'Tis the season of the political these ads influence your vote? 
This is weird, but I have only seen 1 presidential ad lately, and I didn't pay any attention to it.  I know who I'm voting for, so it's not going to influence me.  Normally the ads wouldn't influence me, anyway.  I do more looking at their websites to see where the candidates stand on various issues.

5.  What's something you see today that makes you wish you were a kid again? 
Ha, ha...Have I mentioned lately that it's Fall Break for me?  I holed up in the house after running a few errands and watched some tv in between catching up on all the laundry (including Laika's crate bedding).  Okay, okay...I watched "Dance Moms", but at least it wasn't "Honey Boo-boo"!

6.  What's your least favorite cliche?
I couldn't think of one right off the bat, so I did a search.  "Cold as a witch's heart" came up.  Never heard that.  I have heard "cold as a witch's t_ _ in a brass bra"; I can say that I'm not particularly fond of that one!

7.  What percentage of your Christmas shopping has been completed?  How does that make you feel?
Zero (she said proudly)!  Haven't even begun to think about it, and I won't until it gets closer to Thanksgiving.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
I'm loving the cool nights!  We put the down comforter on the bed Sunday night (it was 46 when I went to bed).  I absolutely love laying in bed with the heavy comforter over me, watching tv.  It felt more like winter yesterday...very overcast & very cool for us at this time of year.  Guess I'll need to make sure I switch my clothes over this week!


  1. We are starting to get some cooler temperatures as well. I'm having a difficult time getting the dogs to come inside!! Enjoy your break!!

  2. We're in full fall mode here too and have had the heat on for about 2 weeks now.

    I'd like to take a healthy eating cooking class. Followed by a sweet treat class : ) The first cancels out all the calories in the second, right?

    Enjoy your break!

  3. hahahaha!!! Your cliche is hilarious!

    I just said I wish I had a fall/winter/summer break... no fair!

  4. It's definitely fall here ... maybe a little winter-like? We've had our furnace on for about a week now ... and it got down to 33 the other night. I'd prefer a little warmer days (upper 60's perhaps). ;-)

    I'm with you, I won't even think about Christmas until Thanksgiving.

  5. I had to turn the heat on a couple of nights ago. Fall is definitely here in Illinois.

  6. I totally agree - no thoughts on Christmas shopping until Thanksgiving (at least!).

    Enjoy your break - I miss my teaching days every time you are on a break of some sort :).

  7. I'm loving the cooler temperatures. And Christmas shopping is meant for the week before the big day. :)

    Enjoy your break!

  8. Glad I am not alone in not having any Christmas shopping done :)
    I love the cool nights for sleeping too. The only thing is it is harder to get out of bed in the morning ;)

  9. Too early for Christmas for me too.

    We are getting flooded with ads in Ohio. We have early voting and I'm going to vote this week, because I've done a ton of research, on email lists for our incumbents and have thoroughly read the side by sides at the League of Women Voters site. I'm looking forward to answering any calls with "I already voted and it was the other guy, take me off your list." to any party that calls.

  10. I have to confess, I'm guilty of watching "Dance Moms", too, but I can't bring myself down to the level of "Honey Boo Boo" LOL

    I'm enjoying the cooler temps, too!

  11. It's funny how much the picking up litter/trash has come up in the answers to number 3!

    Enjoy your holiday!

  12. It is SO fall here! The highs are in the low 50's most of the time and for the past few days, it's been gray skies. Good hot cocoa weather but not so great for getting those leaves raked up!

  13. I have to admit that up until recently, I had no idea what this Honey Boo Boo was. So I caught it when it was on . . . and barely made it through 3 minutes. LOL And what's worse, that family will now probably make way more than I will this year. *shakes head* lol

  14. I'm with you on the random. Love it when I have to get the extra blankets. We've been sleeping with the window open and the fan on. It gets so cold, but I sleep so much better. The only thing bad about it is getting up in the morning and freezing. haha

  15. i'm on fall break too!!

  16. Love that you are reading Diana Gabaldon. I have read just about everything...and have one autographed book. Saw her at Grandfather Mtn in NC one year.

  17. I agree I never liked that witch's cliche. I am enjoying our cooler weather too only I'm not quite the same with covers. I am now just adding the sheet at night! It's not even menopause or hot flashes,(past that) I'm just warm at night. My husband will be totally covered all year long.

  18. I ought to do this meme because I like it - but my time -

    I enjoy reading answers and getting to know others.

    I guess I hadn't thought about number one - what would I do to indulge myself - I think for 24 hours I would say no to everyone else - and yes to me - not necessarily buying anything - but taking time - no running around - read - nap - bath -etc!


  19. Oh, I'm with you on the down comforter and pulling it up on a cold night. Just nothing like sleep in the winter. I love all the covers! Continue to enjoy your fall break!

  20. I was just thinking last night about getting out the down comfortors... guess it's about that time! And if you are looking for good low carb/low fat incredible recipes, check out - it's my favorite cooking website! and SO yummy!

  21. Enjoyed your answers! I love this weather and pulling the comforter up. Wonderful sleeping weather! Enjoy the last few days of your break!
    until next time... nel

  22. #6...cracked me up. Yep, I too have heard of YOUR version. And the cool nights...yes, they're always a relief after such a long hot summer. But alas, after our two nights of coolness, the heat is on again.

    By the way, LOVED your post above this one. The photos are priceless.


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