Tuesday Post-It Notes

 I wrote this post last night, and went in this morning to edit, but something is going on with Superstickies.  School has been called off today due to flooding; it sounds like it's mostly in the mountain areas.  And, it's still raining.  It's a good thing, because today is also payday, and I've got bills to pay, household supplies to get, and groceries to buy!
If you're in the rain area, stay dry!


  1. I love Nashville! I tried to tune in to the Bachelor because my girls watch and we like to text while it's on, but I just can't handle another season. We're watching Biggest Loser instead.

  2. I watched the first episode only of Nashville. It wad good but for some reason I never watched it again. Maybe I'll have to check it out again.

    Have a great day

  3. I've never seen an entire episode of Nashville. I usually watch half and then have to go to bed. It comes on at 11pm.
    I refuse to watch the Bachelor shows.

  4. Girl - you know I watch everything. (& yes, I do have a life... just a good job where I can catch up on everything during the day) ;)

    I LOVE Nashville... I loathe country music, but this show actually has swayed me a bit. & I love that it shows the city of Nashville a lot. Its where my step daughter is at so we see those spots all the time :)

    & yes, the bachelor is always 2 hours. They could cram it if they wanted to - but they love to drag out drama :)

  5. I watched a few episodes of Nashville and gave up on it. I'll stick to Revenge for my soap opera.

  6. Wow! It must be pretty bad to have a "rain day"!! Never heard of those before.

    The ipad potty chair is pathetic! Seriously?? Training kids to be that plugged in is NOT good!!

    The Bachelor is a trainwreck of a show, but entertaining, lol!!

  7. I am hooked, once again, on The Bachelor...Sean is such a cutie, but some of those women are loonies! Yes, each episode lasts 2 hours and it can drag on, but I refuse to miss a beat of all that drama! You must watch! It's raining here, too...and I dread getting out in it. OK...that iPotty is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen! What is wrong with folks?

  8. Those stickies are so cute! And yes, that's the most ridonkulous (sorry, the item just calls for that word) thing I've ever seen.

  9. Mary, we woke up to snow!!!! It all melted by noon. (The best kind of snow if you ask me :)

  10. That ipotty IS totally ridiculous! ha!

  11. Seriously? An ipotty? I generally don't say this, it is reserved for when I really mean it and you may throw it in my face should I fail to live up to it, but that will NEVER be seen in my house. I'm all for a magazine or newspaper in the bathroom, even kids books for the wee ones...but an iPad? Um, no...that just screams "let's flush $500 right down the toilet." quite literally.

  12. That must be a lot of rain you all are getting. I was on someone else's blog also talking about the rain and schools being let out early because of it. Stay dry and safe!! Never watched Nashville, did watch The Bachelor once or twice. Still trying to decide if I'm going to commit to American Idol this year or not.


  13. Don't like the potty chair at all.
    Do your business and be done, its not play time! My husband and I seldom watch TV together :( unless it's a Netflix movie.

  14. The potty chair is crazy stupid.
    I'm tempted to look into Nashville....it does look good.
    I gave up on the bachelor/bachelorette after the first season, all those silly girls got on my nerves. Now the real housewives....those are my kind of silly girls! LOL
    Stay dry.


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