Little Bit of This & That

Ever have those days when you just feel like your world is about to fall apart?  I had one of those days on Sunday.  The day started out with high hopes:  It was Divine Mercy Sunday, and Pope John Paul II's Beatification was held in Rome.  I don't know what I was expecting during Mass, but, man, was I disappointed.  There was just a slight mention of the day being devoted to the Divine Mercy, and absolutely nothing about the Beatification.   Then, we had an issue with one of the boys.  I just had to remind myself that every little thing is magnified right now since it's the end of the school year.  I'm stressed, the boys are getting ready to have finals, and things are just crazy right now.

My mom & I went to a charity concert to benefit Good Neighbors, a charity in town that provides people with money to pay electric bills, groceries, or anything else they need to make it to the next month.  But, most importantly, they provide moral support and guidance to help people who are down on their luck make it to the next month.  The concert was amazing.  There were choirs from the following religious affiliations:  AME Zion, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, and the local college's gospel choir.  Great singing for a great cause.

Teresa at nanahood is having a contest.  Here's what she said:  "It's simple to enter. Write to me at and tell me about a super mom you know. She could be your friend, neighbor or a relative. I will post the essays on my blog and the one with the most comments wins a queen size homemade quilt for the person they nominated!"  Check out her site; the quilt is beautiful!

All you Green Bay fans out there:  Y'all have a lot of new fans down here in the South!  A Small Town boy has made it to the NFL!  Randall Cobb was a teammate of OS & MS, and is an incredible role model.  Humble, polite, and an all-round good guy.  It's good to see him do so well.
School is on the down-slide:  Only 2 more Mondays.  Kindergarten Screenings are starting up, so speech therapy will be "hit and miss" for the next couple of weeks.  Yep, it's time to take it easy and let the year wind down!

Finally, May is "Better Hearing and Speech Month".  The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is promoting their Safe Hearing Campaign.  Here's what they have to say:

"With the increasing popularity of MP3 players, millions of adults and children across the U.S. are at a newfound risk of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Listening to headphones at high volumes for extended periods of time can result in lifelong hearing loss. Make a pledge to protect your children's hearing today:"


  1. Aww...sorry to hear about Divine Mercy Sunday.
    Hang in there...summer is just around the bend!

  2. I hope things are getting better.

    I hate headphones and the way they're everywhere! We do not have our kids wear them in the van when we watch movies, I have no desire to have my kids be so isolated. I'm also not a fan of Ipods for the same reason.

  3. Well, shucks. I'm so sorry that things are not going smoothly right now. Chin up. School is almost over. I really think you need to plan a trip to the beach...if only to see a bloggy friend. :)

  4. I think anyone & everyone who is somehow involved with school is anxious to "get out" and "into" Summer! Our last day od school is the 20th, but who's counting?! ME!!

  5. Mary, oh my. Hearing you talk about school being almost Tuesday was like I already had a full week load in. The kids were so off with their work. I think this is the worst I've seen them - in 7 years! Homeschool kids get summeritis just like regular schooled kids. Friday cannot come quick enough...only one Monday left for us!

  6. Sorry its been a rough week...I hope you have a happy Mother's Day. I guess we're never done parenting, are we?

    Fantastic news about Randall Cobb. I'll pass that along to hubs.

  7. Sorry to hear about your disappointing Sunday...ours was wonderful because it was Homecoming at our church and we were bursting at the seams and there was lots of music. Fantastic to hear about Randall Cobb. We don't get out until the 27th of I have 3 more Mondays. I am off today. I had a mini meltdown yesterday and am distressing over Mother's Day this I took the day to regroup.


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