TSMSS: Come into My World

Amy Grant was my first favorite Christian Singer.  Last week I had a bit of a pity party for myself, and, while in Adoration I listened to a few songs.  This was one of the ones that came up on the mp3 player.    It's a great reminder that no one's life is perfect; not even Amy's, but there will be one constant in your life who will never leave your side.

Do you have a song that's touching your heart today? I'm linking up with Amy for some uplifting songs today!


  1. I am and Amy Grant fan too. She has been singing great Christian songs for years and I have enjoyed all of them. Thanks for sharing.

  2. great message. she has a really nice singing voice.


  3. Thank you for sharing with us today. Have a blessed weekend!

  4. Beautiful song choice, thank you for sharing.


  5. Never heard it before. Great song.
    Have a blessed weekend!!!

  6. Amy is very good. I have not heard that song. Thanks for sharing it.

  7. Mary, I have to say that hearing patriotic music in Mass on Memorial weekend just brings tears to my eyes!

  8. I wanted to give you a heads up about something I’m working on … I’ve been so thrilled with all the new friends, great blogs, and wonderful posts I’ve read over the past 8 months (my shot but rewarding blogging career), that I wanted to show an expression of my luv and admiration. Plus, I thought you might be feeling the same way—wanting to spread the luv! Check out the idea at my blog: http://alife-sizecatholicblog.blogspot.com/p/pay-it-forward.html FYI: I put your button on my new button page, I love it!

  9. thanks for the reminder. I also try to listen to worship songs when I am feeling down.
    Thanks for visiting my site.

  10. I have loved Amy Grant for a long time. From my college days...El Shaddai. To one of her more recent songs...Better Than a Hallelujah.

    THanks for sharing!

  11. I love me some Amy Grant.
    El Shadai, Raining on the Inside, In a Little While, etc
    Great songs. . .
    BTW, I'm 5' and my husband is 6'3" - you were right on both accounts; He's really tall and I'm really short. LOL!!


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