Sister E-Mail

One of my sisters (the one that gives me stuff!) totally cracks me up.  On a recent motorcycle vacation (yes, she rides her own Harley), she sent out this e-mail:

We are currently in Americus, GA, 10miles from Plains, GA. Say hello to Jimmah.

We will be visiting the confederate prison camp in Andersonville, GA in the morning .

After that we keep  heading north.

Look these places up. They are interesting. This hotel we are in was built in the 1800's. The out house is around the corner. HAHAHA. That was for Daddy.

We have been to the Smyrna Air Show, Natchez Trace Parkway, Tupelo, MS, Pensacola FL. I have seen wild turkeys, Meriweather Lewis' burial monument, Indian mounds, sting rays, Jimmy Carters boy hood home and one prostitute (we had to go through Mobile)

The Armadillo Death count is currently at a very disappointing 4, That was for (oldest brother).
  (I'm sure this is from our Texas vacation days...counting dead armadillos was something done to pass the time since we didn't have a radio...or air conditioning.)

We expect to be home Friday. Hope the weather holds out for us.

 I certainly hope you can see the humor is this!


  1. What kind of Harley does your sis ride? You know I think that's totally awesome, right?!

    Andersonville, GA is close to where we will be on vacation this fall. We are so going there. Thanks for sharing that.

    Have a fabulous time. Blessings, SusanD

  2. LOL!!!! Tell your sister we live in TX and I have YET to see a live armadillo. (They die funny..upside down all four legs in the air!)

  3. I LOVE it! What a note! What a a Sister!
    Prostitute in Mobile - LOL!!!!

  4. How funny!

    We visit the Pensacola area every winter when my dad spends a couple of months there. Love that area.

    Which means that I'm not surprised that the prostitute was sighted in Mobile.

    We saw an armadillo at a rest stop in Florida last spring. Who knew that armadillos live in Florida, too?

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I loved it. I have been to Americus and Andersonville many times and Andersonville is very interesting. She should have ventured through Cleveland (Home of Cabbage Patch kids and quite interesting), Dahlonega(VERY cool place), Helen (German town)...White Springs (where Roosevelt came to bask in the springs)....yep...Georgia has a good bit of interesting and historical trip tell her she needs to do the Coon Dog Cemetary in north Alabama....near Helen Kellers home, Ivy Green. Frank and I have a book called Curiosities of Alabama...and have gotten a kick out of seeing some of them. What a sister you have.

  6. I have a sister-in-law that rides her own Harley, and I’ve always thought she was SO COOL! I drove a 750 Honda motorcycle once, and when I had to stop at my first stop sign, I fell over. I just couldn’t balance all that weight.

    What a fun blog you have ... I love the humor! I found your blog on the St. Blog’s Parish website.

  7. Your sister is a hoot! AND she rides her own Harley! Actually, your whole family sounds like a blast... You must all be in stitches when you're all together.

    Stop on by my blog when you get a minute. I have an award for you! :~)

    Have a great weekend, Mary!
    ~Mrs B

  8. Yeah, my Sistah cracks me up too.

  9. omygosh, Mary!
    See, this just reinforces to me how much I want to be adopted. :)

  10. Hi! Thanks for stopping in and listening to S's reading video! He's LOVED the comments and wants to do another video!



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