
To be perfectly honest, I have come up with a big fat zero for this post.  I've racked my brain trying to come up with something about the Small Town that starts with Z, or that even has a Z in it, and just came up with nothing.  A whole six-pack of nuttin'.

So, hopefully it will be enough to thank you for visiting and reading about my little corner of the world.  It's been a fun month coming up with different stories about the Small Town.  I've had a wonderful walk down Memory Lane, reliving my childhood as well as the past 9 years since I've moved back.

If you're a new reader, WELCOME!  If you've been with me for a while, I hope you've enjoyed a little more insight into this wonderful place I call "home".  It's not a perfect place by any means, but I can't think of any other place I'd rather live for the long haul!


  1. I loved your series. Thank you so much for doing it. There's no way I could do that, though it's certainly made me look around and appreciate my much bigger but still small town too. I enjoyed learning more about where you live and what it's like to live in a small town.

  2. It's been wonderful getting to know more about Small Town ... and you. Thanks!

  3. These were fun to read...congrats on making it all the way through!

  4. I've enjoyed getting to know you and your town a little better this month. I really like this challenge and hopefully will get to do it again next year.

  5. There's no zoo in the small town, huh? :)

    We don't have a zoo either - but the Pittsburgh zoo is awesome, so that makes up for it!

  6. I struggled with Z too. It is a tough letter and I locked myself in.

  7. Hahahaha! I used zero too! :) I'm just so glad this is over and done with. I was so unprepared this year. I did enjoy learning about your town!

  8. Enjoyed learning more about your little town. Nothing like small towns! Good posts and Congrats on making it all the way through!
    until next time...nel

  9. Since I will be visiting your state in a few weeks, it was helpful to understand your small town life. I also live in a small town but there are differences based on location. Really enjoyed my time reading your posts and am looking forward to more.

  10. Mary, I really enjoyed your alphabet series. You had SO much to share!

  11. I can't believe you didn't have a run-in with a Zebra at some point in your Small Town. :) LOL!!!!


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