Wednesday "Waff"

Wednesday "Waff":  The title is a little bit of "speech" humor.  Kids often substitute a "w" for an "l", so instead of "laugh", I wrote "waff".  I was going to spell it "waugh", but, when we lived in Georgia there was a "Waugh Street", only it was pronounced "Wah".  There is the background for the title.  I've been holding onto e-mails I've received just in case I needed  wanted to use them in posts.  And, since Linda is taking a break from the Random Dozen and I've got nothing (since all I did yesterday was watch The Tudors and spend some time with MS), here's the first installment:

Why childrens' homework should be checked before it's turned in....


A first grade girl handed in the drawing below for her homework assignment.


The teacher graded it and the child brought it home.
She returned to school the next day with the following note:

Dear Ms. Davis,
I want to be perfectly clear on my child's homework illustration. It is NOT of me on a dance pole on a stage in a strip joint surrounded by male customers with money.
I work at Home Depot and had commented to my daughter how much money we made in the recent snowstorm. This drawing is of me selling a shovel.

Mrs. Harrington

Unfortunately, I don't know who to credit with the e-mail, so if anyone knows the author, let me know.
And, on the subject of not knowing who to give credit for their writing, remember the post "How to Awaken a Teenager"?  The author ran across my post and let me know it is her work!  The author of that post is Laurie at Manic Motherhood.  Go visit her!  You'll be glad you did!


  1. I don't know who to credit for the mom selling a shovel email, but I've seen it many times over the last few years. It always makes me waff! Weawwy hawd! My child has been in speech therapy since 1st grade so I feel comfortable adding to your speech humor :-)

  2. I love that email! I laughed so hard when I read it the first time. So typical of a child.

  3. Loved picture!!!!!!!!

    I'm always twisting my words, as do my sibs. I think one or two of my kiddos are starting to do this now.

    My maiden name was Story. My sister calls this the Story dyslexia.

  4. I couldn't see the picture but it could be my computer which is acting up in odd ways lately. wuh-woh : ) I can appreciate some Speech Therapy humor too!

  5. cute email story!!! LOL! can you imagine!!

    glad you had a good day yesterday to just enjoy it for yourself!

    my grand-nephew when he was young mixed "f" and "s". So imagine what it would be when he asked someone if they wanted to play soccer.

    hoping today is a good one!


  6. Well, I've never heard this, so I definitely enjoyed a big laugh and I always enjoy laughing.

    Happy Wednesday to you!

  7. Mary, I couldn't see the photo either...

    but thanks for stopping by earlier. Feel free to use the word "gritched" -- I just hate putting curse words on my blog, so I tried to find something that worked. It's a cross between griped and ...well, you know. My mom used to say it.

  8. The photo is not showing up today, but I have seen it...very cute and very waffable. :)

  9. That is so funny. How humiliating for the mom of the little girl!


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