Friday's Fave Five: BRRRRR Edition

1.  No football game last Friday.  (YS' high school played their last regular season game on Thursday night.)

2.  Last Saturday, we held the biggest band festival at the Small Town High School to date:  25 bands with the last 2 bands having over 250 members.

3.  This surprise gift from CH:
 4.  Living in the best country in the world, and being able to exercise my right to vote.

5.  A  3 day work week!

What were your Fave Fives of the Week?


  1. You know you've had a good week when a new laptop is #3 on the list. :)

  2. dang! It is even cold down here. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Wow! I want one of those surprises!

  4. Sounds like an awesome week to me!! And BRRRR is so right. Not looking forward to that, but thankful for another week of football.

  5. Nice @ a 3 day work week. :-)
    Kudos@ your surprise

  6. You did have a great week!!!!!
    I have lots of favorites too, but on the top of my list: new dining room chairs, just in time for Thanksgiving!!!

  7. all great Friday 5's!! a little bit of everything made it for a fantastic week!! This is so funny because it was again 100 degrees yesterday. Weird......

    you are running the heater and we are running the air conditioner :)

    enjoy the weekend!


  8. It has been cold here too, well cold for us. But I kind of like winter.

    I love dancing with the stars, and your right Bristol should be gone. So should Kyle! Have a great weekend!

  9. Cool fav 5s! The festival sounds like loads of fun.

    I had a great week, too. I liked how the elections turned out in my area AND the Giants won the World Series! Oh, and how can I forget that we had a sweet rain shower a few hours ago.
    Su-sieee! Mac
    This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.

  10. Between that gift and a 3 day work week, you sure were blessed!!

    Thanks for visiting me.

    Have a great week ahead.

  11. Yay on the new computer!! That's a great surprise!

  12. What a great surprise gift! And you gotta love 3 day work weeks.

    We do live in the best country in the world!

  13. What a great gift!! And only having to work 3 days--that's the best!


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