Another Friday's Fave 5

It's another Friday's Fave 5 hosted by Susanne at "Living to Tell the Story".  So, here we go:

1.  "Little White Book":  What a great follow up to the "Little Black Book" during Lent!  A short verse from Gospel of Luke followed by something to think about.

2.  End of  TCAPS:  We're done with the 2010 version of state testing.  That means that the end of the school year is oh, so very near!  Only 4 more Mondays!

3.  Rain:  We finally had a good rain on Tuesday that washed some of the pollen out of the air.

4.  Southern Mommas:  I don't know how I found this, but it's an amazing site for southern mommas.  Even if you're not southern but are southern at heart, check it out!

5.  Honeysuckles:  They are blooming!  I finally smelled them when I took the girls out this morning.


  1. I loved this...and took part too(linked to you). It was so much fun. Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Friday.

  2. I love honeysuckles...they make me think of being a kid at the swim club. The fence was lined with honeysuckles and we all used to stand over there and sample : )

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Four more Mondays. Now THAT is something to get excited about.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. We have rain happening today. It smells so good.

    You guys get out of school about 4 weeks before we do.

  5. Rain is a blessing for many reasons....we could use a few steady days of rain...even a week.

    That website looks like it would be fun to be a part of - if you were a Southern Lady.


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