Last Friday's Fave 5 for April

Here are my Fave 5 for this week:

1.  Dinner at my parents' house: A cousin and her husband (who live in S. Tx.) are participating in the Rock & Roll 1/2 Marathons, and they went to Nashville to participate in the one there.  Since they weren't too far away and have friends that live nearby, they came in to have dinner with us.  We don't have cousins coming in a lot, so it was a real treat to see them.
 (This is a picture of the "older" cousins!)

2.  Screenings at one of my schools:  It's a nice break from the regular routine, and it means that school is almost out for the summer!

3.  My favorite comedian is coming to town.  Unfortunately, I won't be going to see him.  He is hilarious!  (Or, maybe it's just my warped sense of humor!)  Here's a clip:

If you've never heard of him, I bet that wasn't what you were expecting:  An Asian with a southern accent!  God Bless America!

4.  Here's another youtube clip from a new bloggy friend that found me this week!  I think I'm going to enjoy reading about what she's up to:

5.  The view as I was driving into work on Thursday morning:

I have to throw this picture in for my husband.  This was one of his Faves of the week:
New motorcycle  boots!  He wore them around all night to "break them in".

Have a great POETS Day!  (Pee On Everything, Tomorrow's Saturday!)


  1. Beautiful pictures on the drive to work. Those boots--I think the Mr. would kill me if I posted that one! :) Happy Poets day to you, too!

  2. Comment - love the boots! Hehehehehe

    Question - Is that the Jehovah's Witness Church on 321? Love the Smokies!

  3. I always get a little homesick for TN when I see your pics! And I love the one with all the cousins...that is a whole lot of cousins!

    Does your hubs read here? Just curious : )

    Have a nice weekend...we're supposed to get into the 80's...YAY!

  4. Inquiring minds:
    Yes, my husband reads my blog every day. I even cropped out some of his legs! Hey, he let me take the picture knowing it would show up on here!

  5. CDScott; Yep, that's it! It's so neat to see the fog/clouds through "The Gap"!

  6. Meeting up with family is wonderful, isn't it?
    I hope you'll have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Love both the funny.
    The boots photo is great...I love your husband for agreeing with the posting of that. He rocks.
    Beautiful scenery..nice that you can still see the beauty of your hometown after seeing it daily!!!

  8. Ohhhhhhhh I LOVE that Wrinkled Ladies video! TOO funny!

    Sounds like you had a GREAT visit with the cousins too! That's always fun!

  9. You are making me laugh today and that's a good thing! Love those boots!LOL
    Have a great weekend.

  10. Mary, I love your fav 5! The photo of the cousins is priceless! Ours was the "big" family in our generations - 3 kids - so we never had a photo like that!

    And you're right about Henry Cho - he is fall down funny!

    If you get a minute, check the post on -- and then go down to the comments and read Mary Ann's -- she's a teacher. The blog will break your heart and then her comment will restore your faith. The blogger is a dear young friend of mine, and it is her sister who is in Rwanda.

    And . . .
    love the boots!

    Going away to watch wrinkled ladies now... smiles for your weekend

  11. Thanks for coming over!!! ha ha love the boots!

  12. Oh, those Smoky Mountain pictures take me back. I grew up in KY and we took vacations to the Smokies over and again. Still drive through quite a bit.

    Love that cousin photo -- what fun it must have been to visit again.

    Happy weekend!

  13. That's a great bunch of cousins!

    The wrinkled ladies video cracked me up. I love Anita Renfrow.

    Beautiful view as you go to work.

  14. I love the view going to work...and the boots pic made me smile!!!

  15. I'll try again...I loved those boots...they make a fasionista statement. Looks like you had a great week. Thanks for dropping by.

  16. Love the Wrinkle Ladies clip!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. You had a beautiful view on your drive! I love watching fog creep up the hills 'on little cat feet'.

    Have a great weekend!

  18. POETS Day? LOL! Never heard that one!

    Lovely list! :)

  19. I loved that little clip of your favorite comedian and can sympathize trying to find my parents at an event.

    Hurray for the almost-end-of-the-school-year!

  20. what a great view to start off your work day.
    Those are some big boots. Can't wait for the end of school year to come around!
    Happy week and thanks for visiting.


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