Then Sings My Souls Saturday

Time to link up with Amy at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders for:

The song I chose for this week is  "God is In Control" by Twila Paris.  OS called on Thursday night and was a little down.  We all go through times in our lives when things aren't going the way we had hoped or we want them to.  It's really hard when it's one of your babies going through the hard times, and it's really hard to sit back and let everything work out without trying to take control of the situation.  I admit it: I'm a control freak.  Having kids has been a very humbling experience, because I have boys and you can't control their lives.  Friday morning I got in the car to go to work, and this song came on.  I had to chuckle and thank God for the reminder!  It's been years since I last heard it.  If you haven't ever heard it, I hope you enjoy it.  If you have heard it before, I hope it's a reminder!


  1. It's been a while since I have heard it but I needed it. Been going through a time where I've wondered why we haven't seen the answers. I'm such a now person.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  2. This is an old favorite of mine. Thanks for posting it today. What a meaningful message to hear. How easy it is to try to control things but it only frustrates me. After all, only God is in control.


  3. Blessings Mary... Beautiful video and I love Twila Paris! (It's so hard to find videos of some of these great old songs!)

    I'm so thankful that God is in control!

    Thanks for sharing your message and this song! EnJOY TSMSS and a wonderful week. I love it when God puts a song on the radio just for us!

  4. God is in control! I so needed that reminder today!


  5. Oh that takes me back to my college days and early 20's! Twila has had some great songs.

  6. That is a great song and a perfect reminder.


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