Friday's Fave Five

Today, the grumpiness is gone.  Join in with Susanne over at Living to tell the Story and remember to link up!  Here's my latest installment of Friday's Fave Five:

1.  Cinco de Mayo dinner courtesy of YS.  He made Layered Black Bean Dip
       Refried Beans Supreme
      and Creamy Chicken Enchiladas
    YS did all of the cooking himself; I only had to do some "prep" for him.  He did a great job, and everything tasted wonderful!  We attempted empanadas.  We had this wonderful idea to deep fry (I'm from the south where we think everything tastes better fried, remember?) them, but they fell apart in the deep fryer.  This was completely my fault; I take the blame for it!  We did go ahead and put them over vanilla ice cream.  The falling apart didn't detract from the taste one bit.

2.  Summer clothes...I'll be much cooler now that I switched out my clothes from winter to summer!

3.  Flowers in the yard.  There aren't very many, but at least there are a few!

4.  Finishing "Mercy" by Jodi Picoult.  The book was okay, it just took me longer to finish than it usual does.

5.  Kindergarten Screenings.  Here's a picture of the team that screened Thursday at one of the schools:
  They are my best speech chickies.  I gave the one in the green jacket a hard time, because that's the shirt she wore last year:
  No M&M's this year (diet...remember?).   One of the items on the screen is to have the child name 6 foods, then 6 animals.  The girliest girl in the world was naming the animals when I got distracted, and I made a comment to one of the ladies.  Then, I turned back to her and told her to tell me a few more foods, and she said, "foods?"  I corrected myself, and then she said, "You get a little confused sometimes."  Oh, honey, if you only knew!  Then, I had a little boy who was suppose to repeat sentences after me.  I said, "Where is my new marker?" to which he replied, "I not have it."  So, I explained that he was to say exactly what I say, and I repeated the sentence.  He again replied (with just a hint of agitation):  "I not have it."  Okay then...mark that as a miss and move on!

Looking forward to reading FFF from everybody!


  1. oh YS did good!!! Those enchiladas and dip looks yummy!!! You have done such a good job! Whats this an M&M diet, you had me a M&M's! Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. I have an award and tag for you on my blog.

  3. *sigh* we all get confused sometimes. Right? :)
    The mexican feast looks wonderful!!
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy mother's day.

  4. Wow, ys did great! He'll make a good hubs some day : )

    Have a nice weekend!

  5. Wow, what a lovely Cinco de Mayo meal. YS can come cook at our house anytime. Have a great week.

  6. Gotta love kindergarteners! And those enchiladas? Scrumptious!

  7. What a neat meal. I love Mexican food. I forgot all about Cinco de Mayo until we went to a Mexican food restaurant for lunch and wondered why it was so horrendously busy.

    I keep hearing Jodi Picoult's name but haven't read anything by her yet.

    I love my summer clothes, too, and am enjoying seeing some flowers booming outside.

  8. The last one made me chuckle. I work with preschoolers and they crack me up all the time.

    Your meal looks wonderful! I love Mexican. If someone cooked me all that it definitely would make my fave list too! :vP

    Happy Mother's Day

  9. Great post... I was going to start that book... Maybe I'll hold out...

    Last week you asked if I had any graduation gift ideas for guys, and I wanted to let you know I just posted some... Pop over if you want...

  10. May I borrow the chef?? It all looks delicious!

    I remember Kindergarten screenings :) so much fun!

  11. I liked your last one--I'm an SLP too. I haven't worked in the schools for years, but I do preschool screenings.

  12. Recipes! That looks wonderful. What a boy.

    I laughed so much about the screening--been there.

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day.

  13. That food looks to die for! Flowers in the yard and summer clothes, this is my favorite season! I hope you'll have a wonderful weekend!

  14. YS can cook for me any time he'd like!
    Happy Mother's Day Weekend!

  15. I made empanadas this week also... filled some with leftover pot roast and added some cheese... and then made some with homemade apple pie filling... I would have loved to fry them but I have frying food in my house so I baked them... they don't taste as good as fried but they were still good!


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